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Harmony's POV

"I really don't want to go back." I whined as we put our luggage in the car. "Can't we just stay here forever?"

Harry chuckled as he put our bags inside and closed the back door before pecking me on the lips, intertwining our fingers. "I wish, love. I would if we could."

"I just really don't wanna go. I wanna stay with you, I don't want to let you go." I frowned.

"You won't." He brushed a hair away from my face as he smiled and leaned his forehead against mine.

I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him close against my body, sighing and not wanting to go back where others were. It's not like I didn't like people, I just liked having him around, only him.

"I wish we could stay and do more things." He said minutes after the silence, and I caught his perverted remark.

I looked up at him and grinned. "It sucks how I got my period when I went to the bathroom this morning, so even if we did stay, you wouldn't have gotten anything."

He groans and I start to laugh, obvious to his plan that is now ruined. "Why so early?"

I shrugged as I kept laughing. "I guess the universe doesn't want you to get ahead of yourself."

"The universe or you?"

"You do realize that any glance I take on you I wanna jump your bones, right?" I bite my lip.

"Hmm, is that, right?" He smirked and wraps his arms around me again.

I nod.

"Well I guess we'll both have to wait until you're show stopper goes away.."

"Show stopper?"

"Yeah, it's stopping the show from continuing."

"Oh shush." I giggle and we both get in the car with grins on our faces, even though we'd miss the place where we've both first become vulnerable with each other.


As Harry drives us back to London where the boys' concert will be tonight, I take his phone from in between our seats and go on his twitter.

I roam and couple fans and tweet them back, getting overexcited reactions from them before I decide on tweeting something on his account.

@HarryStyles: not enough love in the world can describe how I feel for you ❤️ Thank you for making me the happiest girl in the world and for treating me like a princess ❤️ I love you so much, my lover boy ❤️ -H

I smile at the tweet and take a selfie, my mouth open with a smile on my face and attach it to the tweet before tweeting it.

I get millions of responses, favorites, and retweets before I feel a hand take mine in his.

"What did you do, love?"

"Tell the world how much I love you."


Harry and I enter the changing rooms in the arena and inside are the rest of the boys who look at us as we stopped their conversation.

"Well if isn't the couple of the century," Louis breaks the silence and grins at both Harry and I, who walk in hand in hand.

"Hi." We both say.


Niall comes shirtless from the back of the room, only wearing black jeans and envelopes me in a hug. "I missed my buddie!"

"Oi! You can hug her but not shirtless!" Harry says behind me while I giggle.

"I missed you too, Ni."

Niall puts me back down on the ground, still grinning. He winks at Harry before going back to the couch and putting a white shirt on.

"Happy?" He teases Harry, who nods and I feel him relax beside me.

"Geez Haz, you berly get here and you're all ready to bite Niall when he hasn't done anything to your lady." Louis teases.

"Shut up." Harry grumbles while we all laugh at him, and I see him wink at me from the corner of his eye while I blush.


I watch from the side of the stage the concert with Lou. The boys sing What Makes You Beautiful and then it's done.

As Lou and I talk and laugh at what the boys are doing on stage while we watch, Harry's on his solo and I notice Liam and Louis talking behind him before Liam crouches down and then..

Oh my god.

Harry's face of shock is hilarious as he pulls his jeans up to hide his almost half naked body while I blush and laugh.

"That was for Harmony!" Liam says through the mic and winks at me while the crowd continues to cheer and start to whistle while Harry shakes his head with a grin on his face.

When we go backstage after the concert is finished, Harry jokes that he's going to kill Liam while everyone else picks on him and I laugh silently while I laugh at him as he changes.

The boys tease him on our way to Newcastle on the tour bus and he tells them to shut up but of course, they don't listen and keep going.

Harry and I play with Lux for a little while while Lou and Tom cuddle on the couch and the boys play video games at the back on the bus.

At midnight I change into my pj's before I settle on Harry's bunk with him and Lux and we talk to her until she falls asleep between us. Harry yawns seconds later and I realize how tired we are.

Minutes later we fall asleep.


April 11

Five days passed and I toured for three days in between while I spent time with Harry.

We had gigs on the same days so we couldn't go to each other but when I had a day off, I would go to him. Today was one of those days.

I was going to meet him and the rest of the boys at their Our Moment perfume commercial shoot. It was their first perfume and it was bound to be fun at the shoot.

Meanwhile, I met Zayn's new/old girlfriend, Mackenzie, the day after Harry got pantsed on stage and she was lovely.

She and Zayn were together before he was with Perrie and after some time, they both realized that they were meant to be together. Perrie wasn't who I thought and Zayn broke up with her before getting back together with his gorgeous girlfriend.

We were opposites in some ways, she was braver than I am and she challenged Zayn, which was good but we did get along and so did she with Eleanor and Danielle.

Apart from that, I went to a football match the boys (apart from Zayn) had with a team in London and watched Harry as he didn't know how to properly play but he tried, and I cheered him on.

We made calls when I had to go play a gig and he told me he lost his shoe before a show but later found it when one of Zayn's cousins gave it back to him. That same night after the concert, he went to a Newcastle club but I made sure Niall went with him.

Not because I was jealous and wanted him to keep away from the girls, (well a small part), but because I didn't want him to get really drunk and get lost. I wanted someone to accompany him and was glad that my best friend agreed to do so.

It was a bad idea for them to get drunk when the next day they'd have a photo shoot but whatever, I hope they'd learn the lesson and it's not like I told Niall to get drunk also, I just wanted him to keep an eye on Harry.

I walked into the studio where the photo shoot was and saw all the boys dressed up and filming the perfume ad.


I saw Harry filming with Liam with orange flowers in their hands before Harry waved at me and called me over.

I set my bag on the chair where the boys could sit, before walking over to Harry and being welcomed by his arms.

"How's my little lady doing?" He spoke in my ear so no one else could hear. Meanwhile, Liam waved at me and I smiled at him before he walked to eat oranges with Louis, Zayn, and Niall.


"Is she still having the show stopper?"

"Oh my god," I laughed quietly and nodded. "Yes, today's my last day."

"Good." He kissed my forehead before he called the others and I went back to sit, letting them shoot a commercial with their own twist.


The boys were doing the funniest things on set but that was a reason why I loved this band so much, they were being themselves, and real.

Harry was done shooting and had fallen asleep on a random grapefruit chair while the other boys continued to fool around on set.

Zayn came over a few minutes later and turned the chair around while Harry slept with his arms across his chest. He was too tired to wake up, he needed to rest.

Half an hour later, the shoot was done and everyone packed their things and started to leave. Harry was already awake and asked me to take a picture of him with Kim (a kind woman on the One Direction team), and Pablo.

I rolled my eyes at him and teased him about Instagram before taking the picture and posting it.

@HarryStyles: Me, Kim and Pablo in said grapefruit chair.

After the boys packed up, we all went to lunch and enjoyed their day off together.


April 19

More days passed which meant more touring.

Harry and I made sure to make time for each other even if we could only FaceTime, and the rest we spent with our teams and fans as we toured part of the world separately.

Harry and I went to a college party in Glasgow after his concert and tried to live a college life. We met a girl who was having a difficult time in her life and talked to her before she stopped crying and hung out with us for the rest of the night.

The night after, we hung out with Tom's nephews, Ben and Noah, backstage before the concert started and played with them on the segweys. The little boys kept telling me that I was pretty which got Harry kind of jealous but I thought it was cute as he told him that they were too young to take care of me. I decided to tease him and asked him how he thought he was doing and he glared at me before throwing me over his shoulders.

The day after, Harry and I went to watch Springbreakers with Lou and the boys of 5SOS. Michael and Ashton teased me the whole time as I closed my eyes during the racy parts, earning a hit in the head from Lou telling them to shut up because she was trying to watch the movie but I knew that she was also protective over me and I loved her for that. Meanwhile, Harry held me hand from under my leg and kissed my knuckles while I blushed.

Three days later, Harry and I went to Cheshire and I saw him work at the bakery he worked at, the place he had taken me almost a year ago. He acted silly, so at home with the ladies he used to work with and I loved seeing him like this, so at peace. Later that day, we went to look at his wax figure and it was as if there were two Harry Styles.

The next night was their last concert in London and the families reunited again with their boys. I finally reunited with Anne and Gemma and they took me in with open arms, getting warm welcomes and congratulations for getting back together with their son and brother. I was happy to be back.

After the concert ended, Zayn and Mackenzie went with their family to celebrate his sister Doniya's birthday while Louis left with Eleanor and his family and so did Liam with Danielle and his family. Niall was taking a flight to Ireland so he left right away before hugging me good bye. I'd see him again in Paris in a few days.

Harry had planned a hang out with his friends and he wanted me to go bowling with him. Gemma and Anne left back to Cheshire before kissing and hugging both Harry and I goodbye. We met Harry's friends at the bowling alley and played. Harry won in the end and posted it on Instagram with me on his back.

@HarryStyles: BOWLING!! I won.

We went to the club later that night and enjoyed ourselves with normal people just like us.


April 21

"Tinny isn't a word!" Harry exclaimed as Anne scribbled on a paper her points she had earned as the four of us played scrabble.

"It is, look it up on the dictionary." I saw her smile as Gemma and I rolled our eyes at Harry's competitive attitude.

Harry looked up the word on his phone and grumble under his breath while we laughed.

"It's not funny."

"Yes it is." We continued to laugh while we continued to play. In the end, Anne ended up winning by five points against Harry.

I sucked at scrabble and Gemma said her brain hurt too much from Uni to think of words right now.


Anne shrugged.

We were about to put the board game away but Harry insisted so we left it on the living room table and went into the kitchen to cook dinner.

I had talked to Ariana earlier today and we caught up on everything that has been happening the last few weeks. Her single was doing really good and she was so happy. We hung up an hour later because she was going with Jai to Disneyland but I was happy I got to talk to her.

I haven't spoken to Bruno in months and I missed my older brother terribly but I haven't told him about Harry and I yet and was quite scared to tell him about us because I knew how he feels after what he had done but everything's changed now. I loved Harry. But for the meantime, I'd just let it be until it was time for my brother to know.

I walked to the back patio to set the salad we had made while Gemma brought the pasta and Anne brought the lemonade.

We sat around the round table and served ourselves after saying prayer and talked amongst ourselves.

"Really, Harry?" Gemma quirked an eyebrow at her brother after we were done eating and she surfed on her phone.

"What?" Her little brother asked.

"@HarryStyles: Just lost scrabble by 5 points. To my mother." She rolled her eyes. "Why didn't you include your girlfriend and I?"

Harry shrugged and looked at me, knowing that I'd tease him about his obsession once again. "I'm not obsessed."

"Yes you are.." I sang.

Harry stuck his tongue out at me before we looked at Gemma's new bunny that was coming towards us.

"He's so cute." Harry said.

"Are you going to post a picture of him, too?" Anne and I laughed at Gemma's words while Harry turned and glared at her.

I high fived her and looked back at the bunny before sighing. "I miss Cupid so much. I can't wait to see him again tomorrow." I smiled, happy that I'd see my baby kitten in less than 24 hours.

Harry grabbed my hand and smiled while Anne and Gemma smiled at us. And then my phone rang.

I picked up the phone and froze when I saw who it was. Oh no.




I'm sorry for passing through the days too fast believe me when I say that I want to describe every day with detail but the story is almost done and less chapters are left before the book ends and I start the next one :(:

I said that Mackenzie and Harmony met and they did and if you want to read how they met and what happened, go to my other story The Way You Make Me Feel and go to chapters: Battlefield and Dark Horse.

Thank you for your support an omg it's New Years in less than 24 hours :O excited for 2014, I hope you all had a good year and cheers for the next! :D ily all! Good night! (:

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