Honeymoon Avenue

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Harry's POV

By the time Harmony had finished singing the song and ran to me, I grew confused. What was she doing?

I didn't have time to think about it until she smashed her lips against mine, my arms immediately wrapping around her body to keep her steady from almost tripping over herself. She kissed me, and I kissed her back.

As confused as I was, I couldn't deny her lips. Her tongue slipped into my mouth and explored. This was a different kind of kiss. It was a kiss of forgiveness and love, something we hadn't had before, but I loved it.

I could feel the audience and crew members of the show staring at us but I didn't seem to care. This is what she had been trying to tell me all along when she sang to me. She wanted me.

My heart leaped uncontrollably, it was so happy. The happiest it's ever been. She was giving herself to me.

She was mine again.

I smiled into the kiss and as it began to slow down, I pecked her lips once or twice before we both let go and grinned at each other happily, knowing exactly what the other was thinking.

Just the sight of her looking back at me with such love and happiness had me over the moon.

Her eyes were no longer broken, they were sparkling with love and adoration and her cheeks were blushed more than I've seen before. I loved it.

"Um miss," a crew member walked over to us while the crowd clapped, either for her performance or for our kiss. "They want you back onstage."

Harmony nodded and went back onstage before blowing me a kiss, making me smile even more.

"What an amazing performance and what an unexpected kiss!" The interviewer woman spoke.

"Care to give us some details to what that was?" She asked.

"Um," Harmony blushed, a sight I loved to see. "It was just something I've been wanting to do for a while."


We were on the car, on our way to Harmony's house after she had finished doing the Today Show.

The interviewers had asked her what our kiss was and what it meant but she kept repeating that it was something she'd been wanting to do, hinting that she didn't want to speak of it anymore. They got it, and didn't ask about the topic again.

She had changed into a white t-shirt with a silver heart printed on it, high waisted shorts, and white converse along with my airplane pendant necklace I had given her a long time ago.

I didn't say anything about it but I couldn't help but grin, first the kiss and now the necklace! This day was going so good and I didn't even have to ask. I smiled down at the closeness between us, her sitting next to me with her hands on her lap, letting me see the heart tattoo we had gotten in Disneyland.

So many memories.. And now more to come, I thought.


We arrived at the entrance of Harmony's house and the driver had gone through the back to park.

Harmony and I stood at the top at the stairs, right next to the door. I couldn't seem to take my eyes off of her and she had noticed by the way she bit her bottom lip.

"Are you going to tell me what happened back there or are you going to keep teasing me until I kiss you?"

She giggled, a sound I haven't heard in so long. I loved it.


She stopped biting her lip and extended her hand to hold mine, an action I wasn't expecting but was more than happy to get. She looked down at our intertwined hands and grinned.

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