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November 1

Today I was back in the UK on my way to the AlanCarr Show. Ariana couldn't come because she was filming an episode from her show and Bruno was promoting his singles and album. Harry wouldn't get back in the UK till tommorrow. So, I was all alone.


It was pretty cold outside so I wore a dark blue long sleeve dress with a thin brown belt around it and black heel boots. I curled my hair down and left it loose.

I entered the studio after taking pictures and signing autographs with my fans minutes later. Many of them asked me about Ariana, Bruno, Harry, and the boys. I gladly responded their questions and went inside.

As the workers were helping doing the finishing touches on my makeup and hair, Alan's assistant was informing me what he was going to interview me about.

"He'll ask about your parents, your siblings, your whole life story. Then he'll go on about your album and your music. The most he'll be talking about though will be your relationship with Harry Styles. He might even tell some jokes so don't be surprised." She said as we walked closer to the stage.

I nodded at her and smiled. "Okay."

She smiled back at me and stopped once we were at the entrance of where I was going to go onstage. "Good luck."

As I waited, I heard Alan warming up the crowd by telling them some jokes. After his joke about juice and cats, he introduced my name. "The lovely Harmony!"

I walked down the stairs, smiling at the people in the room and stopped to hug Alan. He grabbed my hand and led me sit on the couch while he sat on his usual seat. "Hello darling, how are you?"

"I'm good, how are you?" I asked as I crossed my legs to get more comfortable on the seat.

"Doing fine, just been doing some fishing." He joked while the crowd laughed at his comment. "So do you want anything to drink?" He gestured to the alcoholic drinks on the table next to them and held one up. "This one's strawberry. I stole it from Strawberry Shortcake."

I shook my head and laughed. "No thank you. I don't drink."

His expression was so hilarious. His eyes and mouth were wide open forming an o. "Really? Has your brother been taking you away from that stuff? Or has Harry taught you to stay away from any nasty gravy except his?"

"No. I just don't like drinking." I laughed.

"Alright.. Well, no gravy for you until Harry comes home." He joked.

The conversation led on. He asked me about my parents and I told them all I could talk about. He asked about my siblings and what was going on with Jai and Ariana and why my brother was still single. I responded by telling him that I couldn't say anything about Jai and Ariana but that I approved of them and that no one has caught my brother's eye at the moment.

He continued by asking about my music. I told him that it was going to have heartbreaking songs but that there were going to be joyful ones and others that would make you feel good and want to dance.

Then like I expected, he began to talk about Harry.

"So, tell me about Harry..." He said.

"Umm... I don't know what to say." I blushed. "What do you want to know?"

"Have you been to Harry's avenue? Have you gotten some gravy?" He raised his eyebrows at me with a smirk on his face.

"Uhhh, not quite."

"Tell me, what is it that you like about Harry? What about him caught your eye? His looks? His gravy?" He asked, scooting closer.

"GET SOME!!!!!" A fan yelled from the audience.

"It's not particularly the looks, Alan. There are so many reasons that Harry caught my eye that I still yet have to discover-"

"Ooh la la..." He winked.

I laughed. "He's just much more than that. His generosity. He would do anything for his fans and I literally mean everything. He cares more about them and the boys than himself. He's unselfish and so kind to others and that's what I love about him. He's so generous and so caring and just has a good heart." The crowd aww'd while I passed. "Of course his smile has to do with it but his eyes. His eyes are what I love most about him. You can see the love and care in them when you look at them. I guess you can say that he's the most perfect human being for me."

Alan pretended to wipe away his eyes. "Oh my god that was just incredible. The love you have for him really is powerful huh?"

"Yeah." I nodded.


November 14

Weeks passed and I still haven't seen my beautiful curly fry. We've been texting but I just want to be with him. Feel him. I wanna be wrapped by his touch and feel the butterflies and goosebumps an have my heart race whenever I see him or glances at me.

I was at home taking a break from promoting. No one was home, my siblings were busy. I haven't talked to Christina in two days since she's promoting her album too but she has told me what interviews I was going to have next and stuff like that. The boys were extremely busy too. They were on X-Factor (I watched), they went to New York and performed on the Today Show, and now they were back in London.

Maybe I should go and visit?

I went on twitter to make sure that they were there just in case. My answers were right. They were back in the UK. Right when I was about to log off, a tweet caught my eye.

@StylesSayWhat: omg! Harry Styles and Taylor Swift were caught cuddling and holding hands during her rehearsal for X-Factor yesterday! Omg what?! :o did he and Harmony break up?! They were soo cute together! .

I was confused at first but then I clicked on a few more tweets and they were about the same. Maybe it was just a rumor. I logged off twitter and searched Harry Styles on google and there were the results I dreaded to see.

I clicked on a link that was titled Harry Styles and Taylor Swift New Power Couple? I read the article and it informed me the same information the tweet did. Except that it showed a video at the bottom of Mario Lopez confirming that he saw them indeed.

I heard the video and it immediately broke my heart. Tears welled up in my eyes before I could even notice. I needed to talk to him.

I needed answers.

I dialed my phone the number for airplane tickets that would send me to the UK as soon as possible.

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