happy (:

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I locked my phone and turned off the light before I got out of the bathroom to find an almost naked Harry Styles lying across the bed. By almost naked, I meant that he was only wearing boxers. I have seen other guys only wearing boxers meaning my brother ,except he wasn't looking like a sex god.Wth?Did i just call Harry a sex god? Something's wrong with me. Screw that. Nothing's wrong with me! It's just my hormones kicking in.

"You okay,love?"Harry asked , taking me away from my thoughts.He got up from the bed with a confused face but i couldn't concentrate on him with his chest exposed. God can anything get anymore beautiful ? Crap... I shouldn't be thinking this.

I looked up and saw that he had a grin on his face. Great, he must've known what I was looking at. "Like what you see?" he winked.

I didn't know how to respond so i just went in denial,"Uhhh...I don't know what you're talking about."

He rose from the bed, walked over to me,wrapped his arms around my back and looked down at me,"C'mon babe, don't pretend like you don't know what I'm talking about."He whispered in my ear giving me goosebumps on my arms.

I sighed and didn't respond for a couple of minutes. "Alright , i was staring at your chest, happy?" I confessed looking down.

He lifted my chin with his hand making me look up at him."There's nothing wrong with that,love.It just shows that I can give you the same reaction that you do to me."He smiled.

"What is that?'I asked , staring into his eyes, mesmerized by his green gorgeous orbes.

"You take my breath away."He confessed.

I smiled, shocked by what he told me.

"You take my breath away,too."I said after a few silent minutes.

"That's all i needed to hear."He grinned before he lifted my chin up , making our lips touch. He kissed me softly, letting our lips mesmerize eachother.I kissed him back, showing him how much he means to me. I know it's been a month but honestly, I already think i'm inlove with this boy.

He made me feel safe and loved. His smile brightened my day, his lips made me melt everytime i glanced or kissed them, just him. HE'S everything i need. Everything i want, even though i haven't really given much thought to what boy i want for me throughtout my career. He means everything to me and i wanted to let him know. But is it the right time? What if i'm going too fast? I mean, it has been a month. Is that enough time for a person to know how much the other means to them?

I didn't know, but when we stopped kissing and regained our breath,i told him without thinking. "You're my everything."

His eyes sparkled at my words. "You're MY everything." Wow, what? Did he just say that? I didn't expect him to say it, too. I just needed to get that off my chest but to have him say it ... It made me happy.

I grinned. Too happy to care about anything. He grinned too. It was obvious he knew how much the words meant to me.

Before i could respond, he lifted me up bridal style and carried me with both arms into the bed. He layed next to me. The whole night we stared at eachother, admiring eachother and the words that made us the most happiest people on earth until we fell asleep in eachother's arms.

reaalllyyy sorry it's a short chapter D: my mom is really mad at me and so is my dad , like really , you gotta give me crap over nothing ? I'll try to post the new chapter asap (: promise (:

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