Little Peck

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February 23

Harmony's POV

It's been three days I haven't seen Harry since I was doing concerts and he was getting prepared for his tour that started tonight.

I was on my way to the concert at the O2 after I realized that today was a day off. I remember when I was planning out the tour with Christina and the tour manager, I practically begged them for today to be a day off so I could go to Harry's first concert. After begging and begging, they finally let me have it and I was as happy as ever.

Harry thought I had a concert tonight but I didn't, so he didn't know I was coming. I was going to meet Gemma and Anne at the arena along with the other boys' families, I couldn't wait.

I was going to see Eleanor, Danielle, Lou, Lux, and Perrie after so long. I couldn't deny that I missed having them around. But most of all I've missed Harry.

@Harmonyy<3: #surprise

@gemmastyles: (; @Harmonyy<3


Fans screamed when they saw the car pull up through the back entrance of the arena, probably thinking one of the boys was in here but it was really me.

They screamed and shouted the boys names as the driver passed them and their voices echoed as the driver parked inside.

I got off the car and thanked the driver before heading into the arena through the back door. I had just texted Gemma that I was here and she replied by saying that she was going to keep Harry occupied before she came to look for me.

It was six in the afternoon, an hour and a half before the concert started and two hours until the boys would perform. Their opening act was a group of Australian boys called Five Seconds of Summer.

Gemma told me that they were very nice and inappropriate and that Louis was the one who discovered them. I'd heard that Harry was very close to them but Harry's close to anyone so it's not a surprise. He's always so nice to everyone no matter who they are.

I walked down the path in the arena while workers and staff were passing by and getting the last minute touches ready for tonight, completely ignoring me.

They get used to having special guests coming but did they assume I was? My mind kept wandering as I walked until I heard a small voice call me.


I turned my head and saw my beautiful baby angel at the doorway of a room grinning at me with her baby teeth.

"Lux!" I immediately walked over to the baby but she met me half way and reached her arms for me. I took her in my arms and started kissing at her face meanwhile she giggled.

"I missed you, baby." I told her, looking at her adorable face. There was no denying my love for this little angel. I've grown to love her so much.

She continued to giggle while I kept her in my arms and wrapped her arms around me. Our moment was interrupted when her mom walked through the doorway terrified until she saw who her one year old was with.

Lou grinned at the sight of Lux and I together. "You're back!"

I laughed and nodded. "I couldn't miss this big day, his big day."

"Are you sure you didn't come just to get laid?" She joked.

I blushed and shook my head while she laughed at my reaction.

We stood there talking and catching up with each other while Lux played with my airplane necklace I had just began to put on this morning.

I didn't know what it meant to have it back on, but I knew it'd make him happy and that's all I cared about.

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