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Harry and I were back in LA the day after One Direction had the interview with Alan Carr. Him and the boys have been promoting their single 'Live While We're Young' but now they were taking a break until their new single 'Little Things' would come out. I haven't heard it yet because Harry wanted it to be a surprise.

Ariana was taking a break from her show which meant that she would be spending more time with me and Harry. I wasn't surprised that she and Harry got along. My sister is the sweet type of girl who doesn't judge or criticize others. Lately she and Harry have been pranking each other. Water balloon fights, flying pies, etc. I didn't want to get in the way of their developing friendship. I thought that it was always good to have my sister and boyfriend getting along.

And no. I haven't forgotten about my wonderful brother. He's been promoting his new single 'Locked Out Of Heaven' which was a huge smash. I believe it was #2 on iTunes. Gangman style was #1. Anyways, Bruno was going to take a day off to hang out with us. I was pretty excited in seeing my older brother after so many months of not seeing each other.

I quickly got out of bed to change(it was 9am). Harry has been sleeping in our guest room. Even though I missed cuddling with him, I couldn't let my sister think that we were taking our relationship too fast. After all, we've been together for about 5 months.

As I went in my walk in closet, I decided on wearing a light pink high waist skirt, a white heart shaped strapless shirt, a brown necklace, and black heels. My brown hair was down straight/wavy reaching up to my waist. LA was still pretty hot even though it was getting close to winter.

After getting dressed, I brushed my teeth and out only a little bit of makeup( mascara, lipgloss, eyeliner, and blush).

I walked downstairs and immediately smelled something delicious. Eggs? Cheese? I asked myself.

When I got in the kitchen, my sister was wearing her usual pink dress and high ponytail. She was reading a fashion magazine. I turned to the left and saw Harry cooking omelets. He turned when I came in and smiled at me for a second and then looked back at his omelets.

"Smells good." I said as I sat down beside my sister and watches Harry.

Ari put her magazine down and smiled at me." Well, your boyfriend here, didn't want me to cook because he wanted to make us one of his and I quote 'Masterpieces'". She said and air quoted 'masterpieces' with her fingers.

Harry just grinned, turned off the stove, set down three plates with two omelets in each one down on the table, and sat down next to me." I just though it'd be nice if I made my gorgeous girlfriend and her sister some omelets."

Ari giggled and took a bite." Mmmm, I give you credit Styles. They're delicious."

"Thanks." He smiled back at her and then looked at me." What about you love?"

I also took a bit. Damn, this is good." Oh God. Can these get any better?"


"He's here! He's here!" I yelled out and Danton to the door. After breakfast, we had gone outside into our backyard garden,which is beyond beautiful, and just chilled. After two hours, we heard the doorbell ring. And here I was now, excited to finally see my loving brother.

I opened the door and it revealed my brother.

"BRUNO!!!!" I screamed and attacked him with a hug.

I heard laughing behind me but didn't bother to look. I knew my sister and boyfriend's laugh anywhere.

My brother laughed also and hugged me back." Missed you too Lil sis."

After we hugged, he went over to Ari and hug her aswell. I noticed that my brother wasn't alone. I looked behind him and saw someone I recognized. This could only mean one person.

"PHIL!!" I screamed again and hugged my brother's bestfriend/back up singer.

Phil laughed like my brother had and hugged me back." Hello to you too, cutie. How you been?"

I let go and smiled at him." I've been good."

"Good to hear." He smiled back.

"Hey man. What's up?" I heard my brother say. I turned around and saw him greeting Harry.

Harry smiled and greeted him back and then they shared a manly hug.

It feels good to have my brother getting along with him.


"It's been amazing dude. I've been missing touring so much and it feels so good to be back." My brother said.

After our family reunion, we had gone to the back porch and just enjoy the sun. We had an outdoor pool but decided not to go swimming today. We've been outside for about four hours now. Just enjoying my siblings company.

Bruno, Phil, and Harry were drinking beer but they haven't drank that much. Well at least Harry hasn't. Bruno has drank about six beers so far. I knew he was going to stop soon though. He had his limit. Phil didn't. Phil has had about nine or ten, I don't know I lost count. It's not like I have a tally chart counting each of their drinks. Harry has had four. He said he wasn't that much of a drinker. Which I think is good.

It's a big turn off having a drunk boyfriend who couldn't walk straight.

Ariana and I were in the kitchen baking cupcakes and making lemonade. We got bored so we decided on making some. Baking was always something my sister and I always enjoyed doing together. Whenever we were bored or hungry, we would decided on baking and cooking.

Usually we would decide on vanilla cupcakes but since today was the only day we would see Bruno in a while, we decided on making his favorite chocolate cupcakes.

Once we were done, we took the thirty cupcakes and big jar of lemonade we made outside. We set the trays on the table and sat back down in our seats.

Bruno was laughing at something and I wasn't sure what it was. Before I could ask, my sister beat me to the punch line.

"What's so funny?" She asked.

Bruno kept laughing." Harry here, was just telling us about the airplane thing."

I immediately blushed." Oh God."

"What airplane thing?" Ariana turned to me.

"Harry woke up and went to the bathroom in a blanket ONLY. Then Harmony woke up around that time and caught him." Phil answered as Bruno kept laughing and my blush turned even redder.

"What?!?! You cheated on her?!?!" She yelled and started to spank Harry with her magazine that she had brought out.

"What?! No! I would never!" Harry said in disbelief.

"Then what does Phil mean?!" She continued to spank him.

"Sis, Harry didn't cheat on Harmony. She just caught him doing something else." Bruno told her.

"What?"She asked and stopped hitting Harry.

"Ugh. Apparently Harry got hot in the plane so he decided to go naked." I told her.

Her eyes immediately widened." WOW WHAT?! You saw him naked?!"

"Ari he had a blanket on! So he wasn't COMPLETELY naked." Bruno explained to her.

"Oh....." She finally understood.

"Damn Ari." Phil laughed at her.

"Shut up. I'm slow." She pouted at him.

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