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January 22

I've been relaxing at home until tour rehearsals started which was in two days.

It's only been Ariana, Cupid, Coco, and Bandit. Bruno has been making arrangements for his tour this summer so he had tons of meetings to go to.

I went outside to our garden for a while with Cupid but came back a few hours later.

Ariana was laying with Coco on the couch as they watched an Aubrey film on the TV.

"Aren't you supposed to be talking to Jai, right now? Or are you two finally having a break of each other?" I teased her while I walked over to the kitchen to get some treats for Cupid.

"Yeah." She mumbled.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as I opened the jar and gave Cupid a treat before walking back into the living room.


"Like you said.." Her eyes stayed glued to the screen. "Jai and I broke up."

"What? When?"

I took a seat on the small couch next to her and waited for her to answer.

She sighed, still not looking at me.

"We broke up because of long distance. We thought it'd be hard for us to be far from each other so we broke it off."

"When exactly was this?"

"A few seconds before you came in."

I felt bad for her. It was her first relationship and she really loved him. The least I could do was cheer her up.

"Do you want me to make you banana bread to cheer you up?"

She finally turned to me with a pout on her lips. "Please?"

I nodded and got up to bake the banana bread. On the way, I lightly patted her head to comfort her.


Four minutes later, I heard a screech as I mixed the banana together in the bowl.

I placed it down quickly and went to go see what was going on.

Ariana was standing on the couch with her phone in her hands.

"Ari, you okay?"

She didn't answer.

"Is there another spider? Ari, you can't be scared of these tiny things, remember, they won't eat your head off." I said as I looked down at the floor, looking for the insect.

"It's not that." She said.

"Then what is it?"

"Jai.." She said. "We got back together!" She jumped on the couch repeatedly until she flopped down.

"What? Already?"

She nodded quickly with a huge grin on her face. "We texted each other saying we missed each other and so we got back together! I'm so happy!"

I sighed. "So.. No more banana bread?"

"No, of course I still want some!"

I rolled my eyes and went back to the kitchen.


January 23

Taylor and I haven't hung out in a long time so he came over to spend time until he would start his next movie.

Ariana had to leave for a meeting for her new show so she wouldn't be back until later.

Taylor and I decided to go out for a jog in the mountains so we packed ourselves some lemonade and sandwiches for after the run.

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