Key 103 Live - Manchester

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The next day we were at Manchester again but in a different place. We were at Key 103 Live. Little Mix were going to be there too .

I wore a high waist black shirt, black small boots, and a long sleeve white shirt with small birds and leaves printed on it. My hair was straightened but curly at the bottom , still reaching up to my waist.

The boys were dressed in their own ways . Niall and Louis were in a white shirt with jeans, Liam in a wite and blue long sleeve and jeans, Zayn in a white shirt with a light blue jean jacket and jeans, and Harry in his signature white shirt with blue vest(a/n i think that's what it's called).

We got there around 8:30 in the morning. The boys and I were backstage just chilling until they would get called to do an interview or perform.

"I miss you babe," My sister told me through the phone.

I sighed sadly."I miss you,too." The boys weren't paying attention to the conversation. Liam was talking with Danielle , Niall was eating food at the table they set up for us , Zayn was hanging out with Perrie, and Louis and Harry were just there, cracking jokes.

"Okay, enough sad comments."She vowed. " How is it over there?You having fun?Hazza being nice to you?"

I smiled. "Yeah everything's great. I'm enjoying it over here. I promise I'll bring you and Bruno here very soon so you can see how gorgeous it is . Harry's been really sweet , he's always trying to make me laugh when i miss home. But i'm a big girl and i can do this."

"That's my girl."She said proudly into the phone.

"But how about you?You liking your new show?" I asked. I didn't want this conversation just to be about me. I wanted to know how my sister has been doing. I missed her.

"YES IT"S AWESOME!" She yelled.

"Ow, i can tell you're excited, but you don't have to scream."

"Sorry."She apologized."I'm just having an amazing time."

"I'm sure you are and I'm happy for you.You deserve it." I told her.

"Thank you cupcake. Oh , i forgot to tell you, Christina called and she said that you can start recording your new album in three weeks!!"

"Oh my God!Are you kidding me?!" I asked in shock and surprise. Whoops, apparently i screamed too loud that i got Harry and Louis' attention. They looked at me in confusion while I just mouthed 'sorry'.

"Yeah!So you have to come back asap! It's your third album !" She squealed.

"Okay, thanks for the news sis , i got to go ,i love and miss you soooooo much! Hey, do you know how Bruno's doing?" I asked her.

"He's in New York , i believe but yeah he's doing good. Having a hard time with the album. And i love and miss you soooooooo much too."

"Okay, I'll call him tomorrow. Bye sis!"

"Bye babe!" She said.

I hung up and turned , seeing the boys in the same confusion state.

"Babe, what's going on?" Harry asked , walking over to me.

"Wait for it....." I said , logging onto twitter on my Iphone5.

Harmonyy<3: Aaaaahhhh !!!! Just got the news !!!! Recording for my third album starts in three weeks !!! So excited to get back to the studio :D

i typed it in and then tweeted it.

All of a sudden, Harry's phone screen brightened. I'm guessing that was the tweet. He unlocked it and looked at the screen with no expression on his face.

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