Shhhh ...

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"Shhh... You don't want her to hear us ..."

I whispered to my curly boyfriend.

It was 10 pm and we were in my room trying not to make any noise. Bruno and Philip had left this morning after breakfast . It was time for them to go back to promoting the new single. We had a great time just the five of us hanging out.

Ariana and I got to spend some time with our brother by sitting by the piano and just trying to write songs or melodies like we would always do when we would hang out.

He also got to spend time with Harry. They had gone car shopping( they both have a big love for cars). Bruno was so close to buying a new car but Harry tried to convince him to think about it . Yeah, my brother has six cars. Thank God Harry had convinced him. Harry said that it was a ferrari he was going to buy.

While they were away, Ariana and I went shopping with Selena. Yes, the beautiful Selena Gomez. We haven't hung out in a long time so we scheduled to hang out since the three of us had a day off. We went shopping all around LA. We talked about random things. Shopping, shoes, boyfriends, etc.

Selena has been an amazing friend to my sister and I. She knows what we have to go through being a celebrity who is always in the spotlight. And she knows how hard it is dating another famous celebrity who has millions of fan girls jumping down their throats. She's been giving me tips and ways to ignore all the hate since she's dating the one and only Justin Bieber.

I've been getting A LOT of hate mail lately. Yeah, that's what dating Harry Styles does to you. I've been trying my best to ignore it but sometimes I can't take it. I just break down when it gets hard for me to handle. Harry doesn't know. Only my sister knows and she's been trying her hardest to cheer me up.

She comforts me and tells me that they are just jealous that I was fortunate enough to get this life and for dating one of the sexiest men alive. Yes I admit. Harry Styles is a sexy beast. MY boyfriend is a sexy beast. Honestly, I still cannot believe I have him. He's a person that I thought I would never find. He's funny, charming, adorable, he has the cutest dimples I have ever seen, and above all .... He understands me.

He's my biggest blessing.

"It's alright love." He whispered back and took me away from my thoughts." We won't get caught."

Harry wasn't supposed to be here. Like I said, my sister is going to get the wrong idea if she catches Harry in my room. After thirty seconds of going into our rooms to sleep, I got a text from Harry telling me that he missed me and that he wanted me with him.

What can I say? I couldn't resist. Who wouldn't resist honestly?!

"We better not." I whispered back to him.

We layed together on my bed. Arms and legs wrapped around eachother and lips almost touching by an inch away. The lights were turned off so you could feel the sexual tension.

I lightly pecked him on the lips. Like I said, who could resist?

"What was that for?" He smiled cheekily , showing his super adorable dimples.

I smiled back at him and caressed his curls with one of my hands. I sighed before speaking. "I have to tell you something."

His eyebrows furrowed almost immediately in confusion." What is it?"

I sighed again. " The thing is... Gosh I don't know how to say this... I've.... I've been having this feeling and I don't know if it's a good or bad thing. It's good because it makes me feel happy and I've never experienced it before but it can be a bad thing because I don't know want to get hurt.... I really dont know how to say this..... I .... I-"

"I love you,too." He said.


"I've been having that same feeling too. It's called love. Loving another person because they are the one for you. The one who makes you happy, makes you feel loved,makes you feel alive..... That's what love is. And that's what you've been making me feel. I love you and I'm not ashamed to say it because it's true. Why would I say I loved you if I didn't mean it? This is real and it's the truth, I love you. More than I have loved anyone EVER."

"I love you,too." I shuddered. It was no surprise that I was crying. They were tears of happiness.

"Love, come here." He whispered before he grabbed my chin up in between his pointing finger and thumb and kissed me intensely. He kissed me with passion and gentleness... But most of all, with love. I kissed him back, showing him that I loved him too. I couldn't get enough of his lips and it seemed that he couldn't either so next thing we knew, he got on top of me and the kiss(well it was a make out session now) got more intense. He had a hand grabbing my hip, his thumb caressing my skin and the other hand holding my face in place.

It got really passionate that I could feel his.... Ehh, I guess you know what. I ignored it, I understand how boys are. Believe me, having a brother gives you a lot of experience on boys.

We kept doing what do, still in the same position and still with clothes on until there was a sound of the door opening.

Shit, my sister.

"Hey Harmony, what do you think about- . Oh sugar cupcakes." She started to say until she saw us in the position we were in. Talk about ackward. Her eyes popped open and her mouth made an o shape. "Umm.. Sorry to interrupt. I'll just go." She quickly turned and left, closing the door behind her.

"Great, now she's going to think bad of us." I said worriedly once she left the room.

Harry laughed ontop of me." No she'll understand."

"Why are you laughing?" I asked him." This isn't funny. That was so ackward and embarrassing."

"No it's not." He smiled."It's called spending quality time making out with the person you love."

I blushed." Yeah, whatever."

His eyes popped open." Whatever? You kissed me back."

"Yes I did. But that doesn't prove anything."

"Yes it does actually. It proves that you love me too." He smiled even wider, showing his cute dimples.

"I do love you." I said.

"Then prove it to me again." He whispered sensually and pulled our faces together again. We kissed eachother even harder this time . His hands returned back to my hip and face, caressing my skin again. Our tongues danced together. We just couldn't get enough of eachother. What did change, was that Harry let go from my mouth and then his lips went down, trailing kisses until he stopped at my neck. Then he started sucking on my neck.

It did hurt at first, making me wince. But then I got used to it quickly and it felt nice. I didn't feel any teeth on my skin which was good. All I felt was his lips on me and that was all it did to make me feel.... Perfect.

After a couple of minutes, Harry let go and looked up at me. "I felt you wince. I'm sorry baby, I couldn't help myself."

"Yeah I could tell." I said and got up to go to the bathroom (it was inside my room) checking to see how bad it was. I looked in the mirror and saw a purple bruise right in the middle of my neck." Harry Styles, you gave me a hickey."

He walked over to me and examined the hickey. He didn't show any emotion once he saw it. "It's not that bad. In England we call it a love bite."

I sighed and turned to him." Yeah and here we call it a hickey. What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means that what we mark is our property." He smiled cheekily and returned to the bedroom.

I followed him, turning off the light and laying down beside him. "So? I'm always going to be yours."

He looked at me and I winked,making him laugh. "You'll always be mine and no one else's."

"What ,are we saying the impossible things that are going to happen?" I flirted back.

He lightly pecked my lips and wrapped an arm around me." Oh how I love you."

I still couldn't get used to him saying that." I love you,too."

"Goodnight,my love." He whispered before we fell asleep in each other's arms.

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