New Years In New York

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The weeks had passed by pretty fast.

We spent Christmas at home. Christina and her kids came too. Bruno and Ariana got lots of gifts such as a new singing machine, clothes, high heels, and dresses (the dresses and heels of course for Ari, they'd look really weird on Bruno.) Christina got new outfits and a puppy while her kids got video games, toys, and cars. As for me, I got a new mic with Harmony printed to the side with green diamonds, new dresses, and converse.

Our pets got gifts,too. Cocoa got a pink tutu, Bandit got a spiked collar, and Cupid got mittens and toys for him to play with.

The rest of the weekend we spent at the snow in Tahoe. Bruno,Christina's kids, and I went sledding down the hills while Ariana and Christina stayed to the side, not up for it.


December 31

We woke up at one in the morning to catch a flight to New York like we planned. We were going to spend New Years there.

Christina and her kids didn't come this time since they were going to spend it with her family.

So it was just Bruno, his friend Samantha, Ariana, Taylor, and I. Oh, and Jai Brooks who we were going to meet there for the first time.

Ariana was beyond excited but nervous at the same time. She really liked this guy but she didn't know that if she met him, he wouldn't act the same like he did when they texted and tweeted each other.

Bruno was being the overprotective brother and kept telling her to calm down and that if he didn't approve of Jai, he wouldn't let them see each other anymore. Yeah that was overboard but he was the oldest and a boy so he had the right.

As for me, I was happy that I wasn't alone. Each of my siblings brought a partner and I was lucky that Taylor was free tonight. I had asked him if he didn't want to go spend New Years with his family but he said no. He wanted to come and experience New Years in New York.


We got to our hotel at about three in the afternoon. After we got settled in our own separate rooms, Bruno left with Samantha to go and explore through New York but I had a feeling there was more to it .....

Anyways, I was about to leave with Taylor but Ariana kept freaking out about what she should wear when she met Jai.

She went over various of outfits and couldn't seem to find the perfect one. I stayed to help her while Taylor watched. Thank god he didn't get mad that he was spending his adventure in New York stuck in a hotel.

Three hours later, and Ariana found the perfect dress. It was a red dress that was very much Ariana Grande.

"Oh my god, he's here!" She yelled in the bathroom as she was fixing her hair.

I laughed at her enthusiasm from the chair I was sitting on in her hotel room. "Hurry up then."

"Don't rush me!" She remarked as she continued to fix her hair.

"Wow, is that how girls really act before I date?" Taylor asked beside me.

I shrugged. "Most do. You'll see when you get yourself a girlfriend."

"Yeah we'll see when that happens..." He muttered.

I scoffed. "Oh right! What girl doesn't want a six pack werewolf hottie?!"

Taylor smirked and raised his eyebrows. "Trying to make a move on me,eh?"

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah of course I am. I've been looking for a guy who has fur and I finally found one, what will I do with my life?" I said sarcastically.

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