Don't Let Me Go

247 3 0

June 13

Harmony's POV

I walked over to Harry who was sitting on his bed with his laptop sitting in front of him, his eyes focused on the screened.

He's been like this like the past hours, clicking and saving whatever he was doing and wouldn't show me but I knew that it was music by the amount of time he was spending on it.

I left him alone all this time, wanting to let him finish a song that was probably for him and the boys' next album.

But now I was growing impatient that he was spending this whole day looking at a screen. It was weird to say that I was jealous of a gadget but I was.

I watched as he typed away and how his brow creased once again, he was very focused. He wore a plain white shirt and light grey sweats with white warm socks on his feet.

We were in London at the moment just for a short visit. The boys were working on finishing their third album so they were here to go to the studio.

They spent all of their morning there and Harry arrived a few hours ago and immediately went to his computer.

I grew frustrated to try to avoid him so I went over to him wearing his black shirt, my pink pj shorts, and white socks.

I sat in front of the computer and hugged him, wrapping my arms around his neck before he could react. "You've been making music for a long time, babe. Come and cuddle."

Harry sighed and wrapped his arms around me. I could feel his muscles against my skin. He kissed the side of my head and I heard him clicking.

I thought he ignored me but I heard the computer being shut and being put slid down to the ground.

"Alright." He said and I smiled before pushing him down against the bed and he let me.

I kissed at his neck and his hands went on my waist, holding me so I wouldn't fall off.

He breathed a sigh of relaxation, he had been quite stressed with writing and making the songs for the album and I was happy I could take his mind off of things.

I continued to kiss his neck before going to his face, kissing his eyelids, cheeks, and forehead. I gave him a few butterfly kisses before my lips met his.

"See?" I whispered against his lips.


"Aren't you relaxed?"

He nodded, and I was about to take his shirt off until there was a purr behind me.


My kitten perched itself on my butt and climbed up all through my back before nuzzling himself on Harry's chest.

Harry laughed. "Hey little guy."

I giggled before rubbing his fur and heard him purr once again. "You little baby. Why'd you have to come in now?"

Cupid continued to purr and closed his eyes, nestling himself on Harry.

"Later." Harry winked, and I blushed as usual.


An hour had passed and it was nearly eleven.

I had prepared Harry dinner while he continued to edit the song he wrote on his laptop (after continually having to beg me.)

Cupid had nestled himself beside Harry's leg and fallen asleep. I made a quick easy meal and made pasta with cheese on the top.

"Thank you." Harry said when I arrived with two dishes in my hand and handed one to him before he gave me a kiss on my lips.

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