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I was currently at my video shoot for Who Says when I got a call from an anonymous caller during break.


"Harmony it's Niall." An Irish accent said through the phone. "We need to meet up."

"Excuse me?"

"Listen, I know that it's over between you and Harry but I need your help to call him down. He literally hasn't stopped crying. I don't want you to get back with him if you don't want to but at least tell him that it's over and he should stop."

I sighed. "I don't know. Didn't you know that he used me for the fame? I mean, you are one of his best friends so you probably lied to me too."

"Harmony I know what we did was wrong but you don't know how sorry we feel. We didn't know it was going to end up like this neither." Niall said.

"I don't know Niall. I mean it's going to be hard for me too. Why do you think I'm not on twitter as much anymore? I'm avoiding myself from seeing him and his Barbie. It hurts too much."

"I know Harmony and I will help you as long as you meet up with me. Please." The Irish boy begged.



Niall and I agreed to meet up on December second when he and the boys were going to be in New York for their MSG concert. He was going to pick me up at the airport in the morning when I arrived.

He only told everyone except Harry that I was coming. I didn't want him to know. The less he knows, the better. Besides, I didn't want to be a huge mess when I looked into his green eyes.

Niall told me that all the girls were going to be there. Dani, El, and Perrie. And of course Lou and Lux. I missed those girls like crazy. Even though I berly spent time with them, I still had a good friendship with each of them. Especially my little angel, Lux.

Niall said that they were going to go to Germany for the Bambi awards before heading off to New York a few days later.

So all I could do right now was rest and pack. How? First, by sleeping. Second, by picking the clothes I was going to take. And third, spend some time with Cupid.


I laid in bed with Cupid as he played with his yarn ball when there was a knock on the door.

"Peek-a-boo." My sister smiled as she came in and collapsed on my bed beside me. She immediately started playing with Cupid's tail while he continued to play. I don't know, I guess she has an obsession with his tail. "What you doing little sis?"

"Relaxing and playing with Cupid." I said simply.

"Any plans for next month?" She asked as she twirled Cupid's tail with her pinky.

"Ehh, I don't know."

Ariana's face soon grew serious as she looked straight at me. "Don't lie to me young lady."

"What do you mean?" I asked cluelessly.

"Christina told me that you were planning on going to New York with Niall. Now, why didn't you tell me?"

"I don't know I was going to tell you sooner or later." I shrugged. "But why are you so defensive? It's not like its my first time going to some place with a boy."

Ariana rolled her eyes. "It's not about you going with Niall. It's about you not inviting your one and only sister!"

Oh wow.

"That's it?" I asked. "We'll if you want, you can come." I offered.

"Nah." She said. "I'll just stay home and play with Coco."

"You sure?"

"Yeah." She stood up from the bed and walked over to the door. "I got plans anyways."

"Plans with Jai?!" I called out as she walked out.

"Oh shut up!" She yelled back while I laughed.

I looked at Cupid to see him have a confused expression on his face. I laughed before holding him in my hands and placing him on my chest. "Who needs guys, Cupid? When I already got you."


"So I heard you were heading to New York soon." Taylor said as we walked side by side in LA.

It was getting colder and colder the closer we got to winter so we were both wearing coats.

"Yeah, I'm just going to go hang out with a friend."

"It's okay Harmony." Taylor laughed as we continued to walk. "I know it's with Niall and the rest of the One Direction boys. You don't have to hide it from me."

"I wasn't." I objected. "I just didn't know if you would care."

"You're my best friend Harmony." Taylor smiled. "Of course I care about you."

I returned the smile and continued to walk along with him. We soon ran into some paparazzi who wouldn't leave us alone and took pictures and videos of us and asking us questions.

"Harmony are you and Taylor dating?"

Taylor and I immediately shook our heads.

"We're just friends." Taylor laughed.

"Taylor are you going to miss Twilight?"

"Yes." He said. "Especially since I won't be seeing my little Mackenzie again." He turned to me. We both laughed. It was our inside joke.

"Harmony how do you feel about Harry and Taylor Swift?"

My heart skipped a beat but then I scoffed. "I honestly don't give a crap about them. They can screw each other for all I care."

Taylor looked at me as the paparazzi continued. He knew how I felt.

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