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January 30

Harry's POV

The boys and I started rehearsing right after our appearance at the awards in France.

We started tour rehearsal today and we have been extremely busy this whole day.

"So, how'd it go with Harmony last week?" Louis asked as we got everything set up in the studio.

We haven't been able to talk since we were all busy and didn't have time, but thankfully, I finally got the time to talk about it with one of my best pals.

"It went really well." I smiled. "I spent quality time with her and her kitten and then we went for a snack with Ariana and Jai."

"Jai, Ariana's boyfriend, right?" Niall walked over to us.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"And your future brother-in-law?" Louis nudged me as I blushed.



February 1

Today I awoke to tons of birthday texts and calls from everyone I knew.

From: Mum <3

Happy birthday sunshine! Xxxx

From: Gemma <3

Happy birthday loser! Xxx

From: Grimmy

Happy birthday pal! Let's celebrate tonight! :D

From: Lou

Happy birthday dickhead! X

From: Louis (:

Happy birthday mate! X

From: Zayn (:

Happy birthday bro! Xx

From: Eleanor

Happy birthday Harrisa! Hehe x

From: Liam (:

Happyyyyy birthdayyyy Harryyyy!

From: Niall (:

Happy birthday Hazza! Xx

From: Dad

Happy birthday H! Xx

I quickly replied to all of the messages before I got up from bed and went to the bathroom to take a wee and brush my teeth.

When I returned, my phone started ringing. I checked the caller ID and instantly picked it up.


"Happy birthday Harry!!!" Harmony, Ariana, and Jai yelled into the phone.

"Thanks guys." I laughed as I took my phone with me into the closet to get dressed.

"What are you doing today, dude?" Jai asked through the phone.

I liked the relationship I had with Jai, the brother and friend relationship.

He was a cool lad and I knew I could tell him anything.

After Ariana and Harmony introduced us, we knew we'd be close friends because of the girls and I liked it.

"Um, I'm pretty sure my friend Grimmy is going to make me a party in London tonight." I answered. "Why don't you guys come?"

"I'm sorry Harry, I can't." Harmony said. "I have tour rehearsals."

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