Ryan Seacrest

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I was getting ready for the interview with Ryan Seacrest at one this afternoon. I decided to wear dark blue skinny jeans, black uggs, pearl earrings, a white scarf, and a long sleeve red shirt. My hair was straight.

Ariana left early this morning because she was going to spend a day with her new best friend Jenette McCurdy.

I quickly put on light pink lipstick, eyeliner, mascara, and blush. As I was walking down the stairs with my black bag in my hand, I heard the doorbell ring.

He was here!

I ran down the stairs and didn't even bother to check who it was. As soon as I saw the adorable cheeky face, I knew it was the person I've been waiting for.

"Harry!" I embraced him tightly and felt him snake his arms around my waist and pull me close against his body. Even though it's been two weeks, it felt like forever without him.

"Love." He said and I could feel the grin on his face against my shoulder.

"I missed you so much." I murmered against his chest and felt him sigh.

"I missed you too, Harmy."

"Harmy?" I asked and finally looked at his face. The same rosy lips, cute dimples, and gorgeous green eyes I remembered.

"Yeah." He laughed. "I didn't have a good nickname for you so I thought Harmy was pretty good."

I grinned at him and lightly pecked his pink lips. "Sounds good to me."

"No no no, come back, I'm not done." He complained and grabbed my face with his large but soft hands and pressed our faces together again.

No matter how many times we kissed, I could never get used to how incredibly good it felt his lips against mine. I wanted more and more each time. Harry, being the respectable boyfriend he is, kept both his hands on my hips and didn't go any more further than that. My arms once again were wrapped around his neck, pressing him against me more harder. He lightly moaned and that sound sounded so attractive. Teasing him, I bit his lip and felt him flinch but then moan again. I started to giggle so we had to let go.

"You did that on purpose." He blamed me and slightly laughed .

I giggled. "Yes I did."

"Come here you." He said and pulled me into an embrace again. His arms held me even tighter.

"You couldn't stand it either, could you? Being separated?" I whispered to him and stroked his curls on the back of his neck.

I felt him sigh, letting me smell his minty breath. "Don't ever say separated again, love. It makes me think of things I never want to think about. But yeah, I couldn't stand being.... Away from you."

I softly kissed his neck. " Imagine how I felt."

"It's okay now." He assured. "I'm here now."

"Promise?" I asked .

"Promise." He vowed.


Harry held my hand as I drove to Ryan Seacrest's studio. I heard a camera click so I quickly looked over and saw him holding his phone.

I quickly looked back at the road." Did you just take a picture of our hands intertwined?"

"Yep." He answered. "It's going to be my new lock screen."

I only smiled at his cuteness.

"I see that the hickey's gone now." He commented and I could feel his eyes on my neck.

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