Story Of My Life

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April 28

Harry's POV

As soon as we arrived in Paris, I called Mackenzie on what I was planning to do tonight.

I asked her if Harmony could have a girls day with her and Demi since all of us were in the city. Of course, she had to ask..

"What did you do?" Authority and curiosity hinted in her tone of voice.

I sighed and answered, "It was a mistake, I'll tell you when we get there, alright?"

A brief moment passed until she said, "Alright."

I hung up and turned around to see Harmony laughing along with Cal at something funny one of them must've said while I was talking on the phone with my best friend.

As soon as she caught me staring at her, her smile turned into a frown and I knew that I had to make this as special as possible, for her. Because she deserved it, and all the love in the world.


I was with my four lads, accompanying me to this mission that would be accomplished by tonight, I was determined.

I dropped of Harmony with Demi and Mackenzie, and it was pretty awkward saying good bye to her.

I didn't like it. I wanted to kiss her, show her my love and affection for her, only her. Which is why I was standing inside the Eiffel Tower.

I managed to call the security here while we were on the plane and asked them if I could rent it out for tonight. Of course they asked for money so I sent them my credit card information and then, I had the Eiffel Tower to myself tonight.

It's amazing all the advances you have when you're in the spot where I am, and I was grateful that I could do this for my girl.

"You're having dinner here, right?"

I turned my head away from the beautiful view of Paris and turned to Louis who had asked the question.

"Yeah," I nodded. "That's what I'm planning on doing."

"Don't you think it'll be a bit breezy up here, though?" Liam asked.

"No, I checked the weather for tonight and it's going to be pretty calm." I assured them.

"Hey guys," Zayn called for our attention. "Can you stop talking about the weather and help Niall and I with this table?"

Both Zayn and Niall were holding either side of a big black metal table that I rented for tonight. The three of us immediately walked to them and helped them set it down in the middle of the Eiffel Tower floor.

Niall clapped his hands together and semi-glared at me. "Thanks for ruining this for me, Harry. How am I going to top this when I wanna make a special date for me and my Dems?"

"I was thinking the same thing." Liam and Louis joined in.

"Sorry, guys." I held my hands up in the air in defense. "Guess you'll have to think of another idea for your ladies." I lifted the red table cloth and set it on the table before Louis spoke.

"Speaking of ladies, why are you doing this again? I'm not asking in a bad way, mate, it's just that this came out of nowhere."

"That's what Mick wanted to know, too." Zayn agreed and all four pairs of eyes stared at me, waiting for an explanation.

So I told them what happened and they all gave me advice about how I had to be more careful next time and how "I had to be a badass and say no" to people (Louis).

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