Mixed Emotions

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February 16

Harry's POV

It was days since I've last seen Harmony and to be honest, every since that time we had with the piano and her new song, everything felt different.

The atmosphere felt thicker and more awkward. It was as if everything had changed between us.

She seemed more distant now. When we were at the airport for me to come back home, I went in for a hug without her noticing and she flinched before I could even wrap my arms around her.

I asked her why she did that but she told me it was nothing though I knew by the look in her eyes that something was the matter by the action I had attempted to make.

I was back in the UK, on break along with the rest of the boys who were all hanging out at their homes until we had work to do later on.

I went back to Cheshire to visit my mum, Gemma, and Robin but right now I was headed to the O2 where Harmony was going to perform for her first night of touring.

Sadly, Ariana and Bruno couldn't come because Ari had filming and Bruno was on his tour. Taylor couldn't go because he was getting ready to film his new movie and Niall was back in Ireland.

Gemma and my mum were going to come with me on the third night since they had dinner with friends tonight.

I loved the fact that they loved Harmony as much as I did. I always wanted the person who I was dating to get along with my family and apparently in this situation it worked.

Even if we weren't together, yet.

So I made it my job to go to her first night. I felt happy, not just because I was getting to see her perform her new tour but also because I was the only one going along with her fans. I don't know, I guess it felt special to be the only important person to her to be there.

And I sure did feel lucky.


Harmony's POV

Tonight was my first night of tour and I couldn't be more nervous. I could hear the fans cheering for me to come on as I was getting ready backstage with hair and make up.

Yeah it was disappointing since Bruno and Ariana couldn't come but I was going to be okay, the fans were all I needed.

@Harmonyy<3: first night of my tour tonight! Can't wait to see you all! Love ya! (: xo

@ArianaGrande: good luck sugar! Even though I won't be there, I know you'll be phenomenal! (: xx

@BrunoMars: good luck baby girl! Kill it! :D x

@GemmaStyles: @MrsAnneTwist and I are soo proud of you and we love you soo very much! Can't wait to see you in a few nights lovely! (: x

@OneDirection: sorry we couldn't be there but we know you won't miss us when you see a certain someone in the crowd tonight! (; love ya babe! :D x

@HarryStyles: guess who's out in the crowd tonight? (Possibly a curly haired guy) (; .xxx


Harry's here?!

My heart just raced even faster at the tweet from him. How was I going to be able to concentrate on the performances with him here?! Even a glance from him will have me on the floor.

God help me that I make it.


Harry's POV

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