I Hate This

436 6 6

December 15

Harry's POV

Today I was in London. I'm glad to be home I mean I've missed my mum and Gemma and Dusty but there was one problem.

Taylor was here.

Today was her birthday so management made us go out as a birthday celebration. Believe me, it couldn't get any worse.

Actually it could.

Harmony had given up on us. That was it. My heart hurt when she spoke those last words.

"I'm sorry but I am." She had said before hanging up the phone, leaving me speechless and broke hearted.

I still couldn't face the fact. I needed her. I yearned for her touch, her voice, her warmth. I needed her in my arms, her lips pressed against mine, anything as long as it was her.

But that was over. At least to her.

I'm not giving up. This wasn't the end. I'm going to fight for her and our love. She was worth it all and everything else didn't matter to me anymore. I loved her with my every being. She was my other half and I wasn't just going to say good bye and move on. No.

I'll show her that she matters to me. That she means the whole world to me. That I just need her by my side. Forever.

The problem was how? How was I going to do it when management were at my neck? How am I going to be able to get her back when I was supposedly going out with Taylor? I could care less about what management would do but I knew what they were capable of.

The band. That's the first thing they'd choose to get at. They would pull off some rumor that would cause a war making the fans fight. I wasn't going to do that to the lads, we've worked so hard for this and I just wasn't going to throw it all away just because of me.

But I'd still do anything for Harmony.


"Why are you being so quiet? Anything wrong?" Taylor asked from the passenger seat cutting off my thoughts.

I shook my head and parked in front of the restaurant. "Nothing you need to worry about."

"Let me guess.. You're Harmony." She teased in a non joking matter. "Or should I say your not Harmony."

I turned off the car and turned to face her. "Would you please do me the favor of closing your mouth?"

Taylor giggled obnoxiously and shook her head. "No, not until all this is over which won't be anytime soon. Management really likes us together."

"But the whole world doesn't." I muttered under my breath as I climbed off the car and closed the door behind me.

"I heard that." Taylor followed me after she closed her car door.

"You were meant to." I said as we walked side by side on the sidewalk.

"Stop being rude to me and just act like a couple." She yanked my hand from inside my pocket and held it hard.

Harmony's would've been soft and warm in mine....

My thumb caressing her side....

Fingers interlocked...

Skin against skin....

"Hello?! Are you even listening to me?!" Someone yelled getting my attention.


Taylor heavily sighed. "I was asking where you were taking me? It is my birthday after all unless you forgot."

"I couldn't." I told her. "Management wouldn't stop reminding me."

"Well I am America's Sweetheart.." She nodded.

I huffed. "More like America's innocent country girl turning into singing black dragon."

"Would you stop comparing me to your ex?!" Taylor complained.

"What? You mad that she's a better person than you are?"

Taylor huffed. "Whatever let's just act for the rest of the time. I'm tired of talking to you."

"That makes two of us."


Taylor and I spent some time at the restaurant. Of course we had to act like a couple. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I had to place my hand on her waist.

I hated it.

The rest of the time we spent out in London. Fans stopped us to take a picture when they caught sight of us.

I gladly took pictures with them and signed autographs but Taylor would either step off to the side and wait for me with crossed arms or she would want to take a group picture which meant her getting all the attention.

I still couldn't believe everyone was getting fooled by this.

She wasn't nice. All she dis was be annoying and keep talking about her exes. All I could think was 'Girl move on!' Or 'You should take a break from guys and start going for girls.'

Anything to get her off my back.


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