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Harmony's POV

I gasped in shock.


My legs started to shake and my palms got sweaty. I was so not expecting this to happen..

The audience stared at us, waiting for me to give him an answer. I looked down at him, his eyes teary and hopeful.

"Yes." I whispered, happy tears running down my cheeks. "Yes!"

I jumped into his arms as soon as he stood up and hugged him tightly before facing him and kissing him passionately.

He held on to my hips, making the kiss last longer and our tears mixed together before we let go.

He grinned widely at me and I returned his smile. I was so happy..

Next thing I knew he grabbed my hand and slid in the ring in my finger on my left hand. It gleamed as the sun hit it and it looked gorgeous.

I didn't really care about the ring though. To me it mattered way more who I was going to marry and I was blessed that I'd marry Harry soon.

Oh my god.

I'm getting married.

The thought was something I had thought about in the beginning of my relationship with Harry but that was only a hope and we had berly been getting to know each other.

But seeing how far we've come, I was really really happy with where I was with him.

Ellen grinned at us from where she stood next to the camera that was filming us and I could see our friends standing next to her with grins on their faces, some even crying.

"Let's give it up for the engaged couple!!" Ellen yelled when she got on stage with Harry and I and lifted our hands up in the air.

The fans cheered, and Harry and I were grinning from how much love we were getting already from the step in our relationship we made just now.

I looked out into the crowd and saw my sister with her hands on her face, crying with happiness.

I smiled at her and winked, making her giggle and she indicated to my right.

I turned my head and saw Harry looking at me with the most beautiful smile I had ever seen.

We were finally doing this.


I looked out the tinted black car window, my head resting on his shoulder while he had his arm wrapped around my shoulders, sheltering me.

It was an hour ago when the proposal happened and now we were on our way to LAX to meet Gemma who was coming back from a trip she had with her friends.

We would meet her and then the three of us would head back to London to tell Harry's parents the news.

It all still seemed surreal. I was getting married. To the love of my life.

I remember one of the few memories with my parents was when I was young, and my parents would tell me Fairytale stories before I'd go to sleep.

Daddy would tell me how I'd get my prince when I asked him for one, but I never thought that I'd get a prince as amazing as Harry.

I smiled at the thought.

Harmony and Harry Styles.

"What are you thinking about?" He rubbed my hand smoothly, his fingers going over my ring and I could see a hint of a smile on his face when he looked down at it.

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