date part 1 <3

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It was three days after the day of the concert and when Harry asked me out .

Just to let you know , yeah . I said yes to Harry . I mean , who would say no ? This dude was gorgeous and such a sweetheart . We haven't stopped texting the last three days, which i thought was very cute even though we haven't gone out on our first official date .

Today was the day of the date though . Bruno already found out about the date when he checked Ari's phone when she was taking a shower and he teased me about the whole boy thing .

I already gave Harry the adress to our home cause he was going to come pick me up . Ariana was helping me get ready . Honestly , i don't know what to wear . This is my first date EVER and he is my first official boyfriend EVER . Ari was showing me different outfits until one caught my eye . It was a black high low dress with orange-y flower prints on it and a thin orange waist belt .

"That's the one." I smiled .

"Finally! Put it on . What shoes?" She asked as I went to my bedroom bathroom to get dressed.

"The black high heels with the little black strap ontop." I said changing into the dress.

She handed me the heels and I put them on when she came in the bathroom .

"How do you want your hair?" She asked , taking out the curler and straightener from the bottom cabinet.

"Umm...straight but curly from the bottom."I told her .

This took 30 minutes until she was done with everything including the makeup.

"There." she clapped happily proud of her masterpiece.

"How do I look?" i spun around one time slowly to check if there was anything wrong.

"G-o-r-g-e-o-u-s"She grinned, giving me a hug.

We pulled apart and then I heard my phone beep, meaning I had a new text message. I grabbed it and unlocked it, opening a message from a certain someone.

hey beautiful , i'm here (: cant wait to see you x

I blushed . Harry .

"Is he here ?" Ari asked , reading the text.

"Yeah." I said and we both headed downstairs .

"There's my lovely sister."I heard my brother say from the bottom of the stairs. Oh no .

I groaned silently . Ari just laughed .

When we reached the bottom of the steps , I noticed that someone was standing next to Bruno . Harry . He was wearing a green t-shirt and black jeans . Uh-oh , I thought again.I went way too overboard with the look .

"Hi," I said standing a bit away from him .

Ari pushed me so I was standing next to him . I quickly and unnoticebly gave her a small glare while she just giggled at my ackwardness.

"Be back before 10:30 and no funny business."My brother ordered ,looking at Harry .

"Won't be a problem."Harry said quickly opening the door for me.

"Enjoy your date ! Bye !" Ari saved as me and Harry went outside and they closed the door.

Harry opened the car door for me and I gave him a thank you smile .

Once he got in , he started the engine and grabbed my hand as he started driving .

Oh gosh . That feeling .

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