Die In Your Arms

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Harmony's POV

The four of us got to the highest floor of the hotel and went into our suite.

Demi went to get some food, Ariana left to quickly change with her bags in hand, Mackenzie sighed and sat down in the couch, and I stood there, still in shock at what I had done.

I groaned and sat down on the black leather couch beside Mackenzie with my face in my hands. "I am so screwed with the media. They won't leave me alone for what I had done to the princess."

"We're all screwed." Mackenzie said, looking just as frustrated as I did. "I am positive they'll be shooting targets at me what with my past."

I knew that she was right. The media would be blaming her for hitting Selena because she's had a rough past that people couldn't get over.

I was about to tell her something comforting but my sister appeared in a pink onesie and beat me to it.

"I think you should both just ignore what the media says. So what if you slapped or spilled water on someone? Everyone makes mistakes, and if they can't accept that well then screw them."

"What she said." Demi came back with a peeled banana in her hand and she took a bite and swallowed before speaking again. "If the media wants to talk about what happened, then let them. It shouldn't affect you two."

Mackenzie and I let the words sink in before nodding, agreeing with Ariana and Demi.

"I'll go call Zayn." Mackenzie sighed and stood up, grabbed her phone from the table, and went outside to the balcony.

"I'll call Harry." I said and left into one of the bedrooms.



"Hey, I'm sorry if I woke you up." I apologized to my boyfriend. It was nine hours ahead in Verona and it was almost two in the morning here.

"You didn't, I woke up five minutes ago." Harry said. "How are you, love?"

"I'm doing well, how about you?"

"Well. Well, I'd be better if you were here with me."

"Same." I missed him.

"How's Vegas? Shouldn't you be asleep?"

"Vegas was..." I couldn't come up with a word. "Interesting."

"What do you mean?"

"I kind of spilled ice water on Taylor and Mackenzie might have slapped Selena.."


"I wanted to tell you before you found out by the media. I know that they're going to be all over us the next few months with this happening."

"Yeah, they are."


"I'm sorry." I gushed. "I was angry at her and throwing ice on her didn't seem like a bad idea on my mind until I had actually done it."

Harry sighed deeply. "It's alright, love. I should've seen it coming when I found at that you two would be in the same place."

"I really am sorry, Harry." I didn't want him to be upset or mad at me and I definitely didn't want paparazzi bothering him more than before. I knew how much he didn't like it.

"Don't apologize, H. What happened happened. It's alright if the media is all over this, all that I really care about is you."

I released my breath. "Thank you."

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