Don't Dream It's Over

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"Yes I'll be fine.. I love you, bye."

I sighed once I got off the three way call with my brother and sister. They had asked me where I was but I assured them that I was only going to the UK and I'll be back home tomorrow.

I was on a taxi on my way to Harry's house for him to explain all of this to me. He didn't know that I was going nor was I going to tell him. I'd rather surprise him.

What if he was with her?

I pushed the thought away, unable to think that what they said was true. I couldn't bear it if it wasn't a rumor. I just couldn't.

There wouldn't be any crying yet. I wasn't going to cry over something that I wasn't sure of if it was true. I just need to find out. And he's going to say it. To my face.


I knocked three times on the door and waited for someone to open it. Sighing, I placed the only bag I brought down on the floor. I looked back up and there was my beautiful curly fry in only his sweats and socks. No shirt on. His curls were curly and fluffy like always. Just the way I liked it. I gazed at his body and looked at his face. He was smiling, showing off his adorable dimples.

"Hey, what are-" He began to say until I cut him off by running to him and jumping in his arms.

Harry's POV

I didn't have time to ask her what that was for. As soon as I grabbed her legs to carry her, she immediately placed her lips to mine desperately. I began to stumble back once I kicked the door closed. I walked backwards until I bumped into the sofa.

I was about to pull away but Harmony wouldn't let me. She grabbed my neck and pulled me closer and ran her other hand in my curls, soothing my hair. I groaned into our kiss. All of a sudden, I began to fall into the sofa. Harmony fell along with me as she pushed me down until I felt the sofa cushion underneath me. Harmony was ontop of me and we still didn't break the kiss. I grabbed her hips gentley and continued to kiss her.

I was still confused though. Was she giving herself to me? Is she ready? We haven't even talked about it so it surprised me when she made this action.

We were out of breath so Harmony pulled away but continued to kiss me. This time on my neck. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. What is going on?

I felt Harmony's lips on my skin and it felt incredible. Her lips were so soft and so gentle. I could kiss them all day if she let me. Hold up Harry, I told myself. Stop her and ask her what's going on before things get even more heated.

I listened to my conscience and grabbed Harmony's wrist carefully to get her attention. "Harmony.." I whispered but she still wouldn't respond. I pulled her head away from my neck and pushed it so I could see her face. She was so flushed. Her cheeks looking a tint of pink. "Baby what's going on?"

She looked into my green eyes for a long time. Her chocolate brown eyes drowning with my green eyes. I could stare at them all day. She soon sighed and looked down at my chest. "I'm sorry. What I did was unacceptable."

"No baby it's fine," I assured her. I placed my hand on her arm and soothed her. "You just took me by surprise."

She looked back at me and whispered quietly, "I just need to know that it isn't true."

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion again. "What are you talking about?"

She sighed. "About you and Taylor. I saw on twitter that you were at the X-Factor during her rehearsals and you two were holding hands and doing couple-y things. It's not true right?"

I immediately froze.

Harmony's POV

Harry froze beneath me and his eyes popped open. What's going on?

"Harry..." I began to say. I swiftly got off of him and stood next to him. "That's not true right?" I asked again more loudly.

Harry didn't say anything. Instead, he got up from his laying position and continued to sit on the couch. He had that same expression of nothing.

"Harry." I said again, losing my patience.

He looked up with tears in his eyes. What? He looked back down at his hands, avoiding my eyes. He gulped before he spoke, "I'm sorry."

I still stood there and before I could even do anything, I felt tears in my eyes. "What do you mean?"

Harry's head moved back up, making me notice the tears falling down his pale cheeks. Why's he crying? Before I could ask again for an explanation, the wordsi dreaded to hear the most came out of the person I loved the mosts mouth. "It's true." He cried. "It's true."

There was no time for me to react. As soon as those words came out, Harry fell on the floor on his knees. " I did go see her yesterday. I'm sorry. I had too."

"What do you mean you had to?" I cried, my own tears falling out of my eyes. I couldn't take this. This had to be some sort of joke. He had to be lying.

"Management. They want more publicity for the band and for Taylor ever since she and her ex boyfriend broke up." He explained as he looked up at me. "That's all they wanted. All management wants is publicity and money. That's all they've ever wanted."

There was nothing I could say. Except one thought that came into my mind. "Wait..." I said. "This doesn't mean that you dated me just for publicity, right? This is real, right? Please, tell me Harry that you didn't ask me out just because of management wanting publicity."

Harry didn't reply. Instead, he cried harder and buried his head into his hands. Does this mean that he did use me?

"OH MY GOD!!!!!!" I cried, and collapsed down to the ground and cried even harder. "You used me! How COULD you?!?!" I put my head into my hands like Harry had and kept crying.

I felt Harry moving. He scurried next to me and buried his head on my lap as both of us continued to cry uncontrollably. "I'm sorry baby," He cried into my jeans. "I didn't mean to. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you."

I began to shake. "This is fake! All of this was fake! This! Us!" I pushed Harry off my lap and stood up, leaving him on the ground. "You lied to me! You used me! HOW COULD YOU?!?!" I yelled at him while he continued to cry harder. "Oh my god how could I have been so stupid?!?!"

"No you're not baby. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cause you any harm." He said.

"Yes you did!" I pointed at him. "You used me for my fame! All of this was fake, Harry!!"

He stood up and grabbed my elbows since I wouldn't let him pull me to his arms. "Yes it is Harmony! At first it was just a plan, but I fell for you! I fell hard for you!! You're caring, loving, and everything I've ever wanted!! I love you!"

"NO YOU DON'T!!!!" I yelled as he startled and removed his hands from my elbows. "ALL I WAS TO YOU WAS A WAY TO GET YOU FAME!!!! I WAS JUST A TOY TO YOU!!!!"

Harry engulfed me in his arms and held me as we both cried. "No you're not. You're everything to me. Everything. I can't live without you, why can't you understand that? I love you and I wanna be with you. We'll figure something out I promise. We can't still be together, we just have to do it secretly until management tells me when it's time to break things off with Taylor. I promise you-"

"Let me go." I said.

Harry let me go and I stepped away from him. "I can't do this."


"I'm sorry. I just can't be with you." I said.

Harry bent down and wrapped his arms around my knees and cried. "No please. Don't let me go. I promise I'll break things up as soon as I see her and talk to management. Please just don't give up on us. Please." He begged.

I cried and pulled his arms away from me. "It's over Harry."

"No, please, don't-"

"It's over." I said before walking away. I opened the door and went outside to the taxi and grabbed my bag. Right as I walked away, I heard the muffled cries of my ex lover.

And then I walked away from my life.

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