Kiss Me

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April 5

The vibrant sun cascaded all my surroundings, making it harder for me to have a clear vision, but I could still see the shadows in front of me.

A curly head was lying on top of a crushed pillow, head turned to face the sun. The body was bare chested, lying on his front so I could see his perfectly sculptured back with tiny freckles and red spots at the top of the back.

The soft body was covered with a thin layered blanket from the waste down, taking away the naked private parts from my eyes. An arm was wrapped around my waist, loose but still with a strong hold just in case.

The rays of sun made his hair shine and his body look mesmerizing. It was a sight I couldn't take my eyes off. I stared at him as he slept and breathed so relaxingly, now being able to see him fully in all his perfection.

A smile crept on my face as I remembered what had happened last night between us.

Attached lips, heated bodies, clutching sheets, intertwined hands, romantic words, passion, slow making love. It all seemed like a dream come true. He was my dream that came true.

I still couldn't comprehend the love I had for this man and what I had given to him. Me. Body and soul. I was all his.

Just the thought of our bodies combined made my heart beat speed up and my cheeks to flush.

I squirmed underneath his arm moments later, wanting to scoot closer to him. And he agreed by the way he groaned and pulled me closer so my body was touching his.

He lifted his head up and turned his head to me so our eyes would be set on each other.

He gave me a vibrant smile, showing off his beautiful white teeth before leaning down and giving me a small kiss on the lips and then turning his body around so he stayed laying on his side.

I turned too so I could feel him more, wanting to be as close to him as possible. He looked down at me while I looked up, checking out each other's warm faces.

His eyes twinkled at the sight of me, the color being a soft green, his hair was unruly but it still looked sexy, the sun shining behind his body, his plump pink lips, wanting as always, and his cheekbones being a soft pink.

He looked like an angel.

He pulled me closer so our chests were pressed against each other, the thin sheet still covering half of our bodies.

Harry smiled down at me, lifting my chin up with his pointer finger's knuckle. "How are you feeling?"

His raspy voice had me wanting to take deep breaths. Did he always sound like this in the morning? Maybe I should sleep over more often just to hear this tone of voice...

Or maybe you want to keep getting laid.. My inner thoughts spoke.

I rolled my eyes in my head at myself before thinking how crazy I sounded talking to myself. What?


"Sorry." I apologized, noticing that he was expecting an answer. I had noticed that my voice had gone softer and quieter. Is this what happens ever morning after you have sex? "I feel good."

"You aren't sore or anything?" His care for me was still an unbelievable thing to cope with. I was basically his baby to him.

"A little." I said truthfully.

"Do you want me to set you a hot bath?" He sat up in the bed, almost leaving me naked but I was right on time to stop him.

"Yeah but wait," he looked at me with question in his eyes and I pulled him down to kiss him lovingly. "I'm kind of hungry." I spoke when we let go, my stomach grumbling right after.

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