Airplane madness

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We were chased by the paparazzi as we were headed to the airport. I kept my head down with my headphones on but even though i had the music loud, i could still hear what they were saying.




I just kept walking behind Harry and tried to ignore them.

"Still not used to this huh?"I heard Niall say walking beside me with his head down also.

"Nope."I laughed.

We showed our passports to the attendant there and were immediatley sent into the private jet. I still can't believe this is my life. I feel so guilty having all of this when there are other people who would kill to have all i have.

Talk about being blessed.

I sat down next to Harry in the last row while Liam and Niall were infront us and Zayn and Liam were in the first row. I layed my head on Harry's shoulder as he rested his on mine.

"You tired?"He asked silently , knowing that the others were asleep.

"Not really, just bored."I explained.

"I think i know what to entertain you with."He smirked now facing me.

"What?" I looked at him.

"Taking pictures."He grinned taking out his iPhone as I did the same.

We first posed with our cheeks pressed against eachother giving a warm smile. The second one was us having funny faces, both of us sticking out our tongue at the camera. The third one was me giving him a kiss on the cheek and the fourth of him giving me a kiss on the cheek. We kept taking like ten more random ones. The last one we took was of him surprisingly giving me a kiss as i kissed back and blushed.

When we were done with the pictures, we kept talking until i drifted off to sleep.


I have no idea how i woke up but i did. At 3:24am.

I didn't feel strong arms around me so i looked next to me and saw that Harry wasn't here. I quietly got up, careful not to disturb the others. It was still pretty dark as i looked out the window. I searched with my eyes as i walked through the airplane until i bumped into someone and screamed.

"Shhh babe it's me,"I heard him whisper.

"Harry?"I whispered back not recognizing the figure.

"Yeah sweetheart ."He smiled.

"Why are you covered in a blanket?"I asked when i realized what he had wrapped around himself.

"Ummm....I'm kinda...."

"What?"I asked.

"I'm sorta...naked."He blushed.

"Oh God."I looked down.


"What's all this noise about?"I heard someone behind me ask.

I lightly yelped next to Harry , afraid.

"Niall?"Harry furrowed his eyebrows making sure he wasn't seeing things.

"Yeah now will you shower of cunts shut up?I'm trynna eat here."He put his hands on his lap , looking all sassy. Wait. I thought the sassy one was Louis?

"Really mate,eating?"Harry asked exaggerating.

"What?There's always time to fill me tummy." He said , offended.

"What's going on here?Harry ? What are you doing with a blanket?"Liam asked out of nowhere, making me yelp again.

Harry rubbed my back gently."Uhh..I think you know."

"Oh God not again..."Liam groaned.

"Yep.."Harry answered.

"Seriously Harry, you need to stop."Liam adviced.

"Ohhh la la.... somebody got some.."Louis said suddenly appearing next to Liam raising his eyebrows at me and Harry.

I blushed , putting my head in Harry's chest.

"Nobody got any mate."Harry explained.

"Then how do you explain the blanket?" Louis pressed on.

"Harry here, was feeling hot."Liam explained before Harry could.

"Yeah so he felt like freeing his little friend."Niall laughed as Liam scolded at him.

"Stop it."Liam warned him.

"Can't we just go back to sleep?"I begged." I'm still so tired..."

"Yeah im still tired too...Harry agreed.

"Yeah sure you are...."Louis winked.

I playfully shoved him on the shoulder as he and the other two continued laughing with him.


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