MSG Part 2

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December 3

I woke up the next morning in my hotel room after Niall dropped me off the night before. I managed to brush my teeth and comb my black hair before getting a text message.

From: Niall <3

Hey Har. The lads n I r going to be at rehearsals the whole day till the concert starts. Are you staying? X Ni

I sat at the corner of the bed before replying.

To: Niall <3

I'm not sure, I don't think so. X Har

I didn't bother to wait for him to reply. They were going to be really busy today.

I got up from the bed and started to pack my things until there was a knock on the door. Who could that be?

I slowly walked over to the door and opened it.

A purple haired Perrie grinned at me and gave me a big hug. "Aaah! Baba I missed you!"

"Perrie.." I said and hugged her back.

Perrie let go from the hug and frowned. "Why haven't you bothered to text me? Do you have any idea how much I missed my booboo?"

"I'm sorry." I apologized. "I've been getting really busy and haven't really been on my phone."

Perrie nodded. "It's okay baba. As long as I get to finally see you. I heard you were with Niall yesterday."


"And you still didn't bother to come up to my room and say hi." She frowned. "Oh well, come on! Dani and El are here and want to see you! We're having a girls day, finally!"

"Wait, where are we going?"

"We're going to the spa!" She cheered.

"Can you wait for me to get dressed first?"

"Sure." She nodded and entered my room to sit on the bed while I went into the bathroom to change.

I chose to wear a purple long sleeve shirt, black beenie, black jeans, and my black converse and left my straightened hair down. I managed to put on some make up before coming out of the bathroom to face Perrie.

"Ooh!" She pointed at my shirt. "That matches my hair!"

I laughed and grabbed my things before both of us closed the door (locked) and walked to the elevator.

"Baba, what happened yesterday?" She asked when we were in the elevator and headed to Danielle and Eleanor's room.

I sighed before responding. "A lot. I'll tell you when we get to the other girls."

Perrie nodded and didn't say anything else.

When we arrived to El and Dani's hotel room, they immediately hugged me tight and led us inside.

"We missed you Harmy!" Danielle said when the four of us sat on the bed.

I flinched at the old nickname HE gave me but luckily they didn't notice.

"How come you didn't come see us yesterday?!" Eleanor asked.

"Right?!" Perrie agreed.

I laughed and murmured,"Sorry."

The three of them nodded before Perrie spoke.

"So now can you tell us what happened yesterday?" Perrie anxiously asked.

"Wait, what happened?" Eleanor was clueless.

Danielle was the one to answer her. "Remember last night when we heard Harry yelling at Niall about Harmony?"

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