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Harmony's POV

My breath hitched, not believing what Harry was telling me. I laid on the floor on my back with Cupid who was playing on my stomach before I got the unexpected call.


"I know it's hard to believe," Harry said. "But I mean it. I'm willing to just be your friend and not ask for anything more."

"How do I know you're not lying?" I asked him as I sat up, Cupid crawling onto my lap.

"If I were lying then why would I be doing this? Instead of asking to be your friend, I'd be asking for you to be mine again and that's not what I'm doing."

I sighed, unsure if I should actually put my trust in him again.

He'd broken me, made a fool out of me. Was I going to let him do that to me again? Was I willing to get broken once again?

But on the other hand, it did sound clever. We wouldn't be anything more than friends. I wouldn't need to be worried about getting hurt. All I would gain was another friend.

But how can I trust him after everything he's done? How can I be so sure?

"Harmony?" Harry asked through the phone, bringing me back away from my thoughts.

"I'm here." I spoke, running my hands through Cupid's fur on his back while he purred in appreciation.

"So what do you think?"

"Oh um.. I'll think about it. I just need to make sure I'm not doing a mistake by trusting you again."

"I promise you, you're not." Harry said. "If I can't have you as my girlfriend, I'd rather have you as a friend. It'll be hard for me at first but I'd be willing to try if you can, too."

I gave a deep sigh. "Like I said, I'll think about it and let you know as soon as my heart and mind make a final decision."

"Okay." Harry said, disappointment in his voice. "I guess I should go now."

"Yeah, me too."



"I love you." He said quickly, almost as he didn't want me to hear him say it. Like he wanted to hide his feelings.

I knew I was giving myself away but I couldn't deny what I still and always will feel for him even though he's done enough for me to hate him. But I could never. He was my first love. "I love you,too."

Harry gave a deep laugh, glad with my response that gave him hope. Hope that I didn't want him to feel because it'd give me away. "Goodnight, H."


January 9

"So he really asked you to be friends?"

I nodded. "Yeah."

"Just friends?" Taylor asked.

I laughed and nodded again. "Yes Tay, he said just friends."

Taylor grinned and shook his head.

We had been walking through LA for about three hours now. We were catching up even though it was a week since we'd last seen each other.

"So, what did you tell him?" Taylor asked as we continued to walk.

I sighed, putting my hands into my sweater pockets. "I told him that I'd think about it because I wasn't sure if it was a good idea to trust him again."

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