His Home

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A week had passed and now Harry and I were at Holmes Chapel. He showed me around town and all his favorite places he would like to go to. I met his friends like Jonathan. Harry told me he and Jonathan were really close. Have I met his parents and sister yet? Nope. I'm a coward, I know. Harry has been trying to convince me on and on to go and meet them but I would always give him excuses like 'I'm not ready'.

We visited his school and we did get to see some of his old teachers. They told him that they were very proud of him and they gave us good luck for what was ahead for us in our careers. In a more ackward situation, we met up with three of Harry's ex girlfriends. Phoebe, Emilie, and Abi. I'm not sure why the three of them were hanging out together since they had the same ex boyfriend but whatever. Harry was chatting for a bit with them, just asking them how they were doing and stuff like that while I was just standing there in the background.

Weirdly though, Abi told Harry that she missed him. Not sure if that's a good or bad sign.

On a lighter note, today Harry was going to take me to the bakery he used to work at. He told me all the types of bread he would bake and what shapes and sizes he would make them.

We parked infront of the bakery shop when we arrived and got off the car. Harry grabbed and held onto my hand as we walked inside.

The outside of the bakery was brown with a sign that said 'Breads House' and the inside was pretty small yet comfortable to be in. There was an old lady who looked about fifty who was baking something with her back to us.

"Good morning Mrs. Chlo!" Harry greeted.

The lady lightly jumped from surprise and turned around to see who called her. "Harry is that you?"

"The one and only Mrs. Chlo!" He said and let go of my hand to go and hug her.

"Oh my goodness it's been such a long time since I've seen you young lad." She said, hugging him back tightly.

"Two years." Harry agreed.

"And who's this?" She asked him, turning to me when they let go from their hug.

"Mrs. Chlo, this is my girlfriend Harmony." He said, smiling at me. Is it weird for me to say that I still wasn't used to him calling me his girlfriend?

"Oh Harry, she's beautiful!" She said and walked over to me, grabbing me in for a hug.

I warmingly hugged her back. "It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Chlo."

" It's nice to meet you too, dear. Harry, you picked yourself a beautiful one." She told him when we let go .

" She is beautiful, right?" He smirked, wrapping one arm around my waist and holding me close.


"Thanks." I blushed.

"So what brings you two love birds here? Aren't you supposed to be ruling the world young boy?" She asked as she went back to baking her bread.

He laughed at her comment. "No, we have a bit of a break from ruling the world."

"Oh that's nice. You lads need your rest. You don't want to get all grey haired at such a young age."

I laughed lightly.

"No, I guess they were worried that might happen."

"Well that's nice. So, what are you guys doing here today?" She asked as she took out the bread from the oven. It smelled really good. I was pretty sure she made banana bread but one hundred times better.

Before Harry could respond, I said," Actually, we came to visit you and then I am going to meet Harry's family."

I looked over at Harry, noticing that he was grinning happily at what I said.

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