Teen Awards 2012

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I was backstage at the Teen Awards 2012. It was 2:30 pm which meant that we would have half an hour before the awards started. First, Little Mix were going to perform, then Me, then One Direction, Taylor Swift, and last Ne-Yo.

I was pretty nervous like always before I would start a performance. Lou being an amazing person she is, came to help me before helping the boys. Lux was in the room playing with my phone I let her borrow. Lou warned me that Lux would press buttons but I told her that it was okay.

While Lou helping me get ready, she told me that she was going to leave with Tom next week to see his grandpa so Harry and I knew when we would take care of Lux for three days.

"You look beautiful!" Lou said when she was all done.

Looking in the mirror, I saw that I was wearing a sky blow high waist skirt, skin toned spaghetti stringed shirt, skin toned heels, and a diamond necklace on top of my Harry necklace. My hair was curled down and my bangs were clipped. As for my make up, I was wearing the usual except that Lou made it look natural.

"Lou, you're amazing!" I gave her a hug.

She laughed while she hugged me back. "No problem, sweetie."

There was a knock on the door and as I turned around, I saw Harry look at me in surprise. Believe me, his face was priceless.

"You okay Haz?" I asked as he tried to regain his look.

Lou grabbed Lux and closed the door behind her, leaving the room.

Harry gasped and smiled. "Wow, just wow."

I looked down and blushed.

I soon felt him grab my arm and pull me to his chest. Glancing up at him, his mouth was immediately on mine. "You're perfect." He whispered and kissed me hard again.  


"And now, I like to present... Harmony!!!!!" Perrie yelled.

I heard the fans screaming as I went onstage. "Hello everybody!"

The fans kept screaming.

"Alright, well this is a song we collaborated on! This is... DNA!!!!" Perrie yelled.

The lights immediately went dark and the song began to play.

'Does he tell you he loves you when you least expect it,

Does he flutter your heart when he kisses your neck,

No scientist, or biology, it's obvious when he's holding me, it's only natural that I'm so

affected, and my heart won't beat again, if I can't feel him in my veins, no need to question,

I already know, It's in his DNA, D-D-D-DNA, and he just takes my breath away,

B-Breath away, I feel it everyday, and that's what makes a man, not hard to understand,

Perfect in every way, I see it in his face, nothing more to say.. It's in his D-D-D-DNA.....'

"Thank you everybody!!" Jade said.

The four girls left, leaving me onstage.

"Okay this next song, is very special to me. I want all of you to listen to the lyrics and know that this song is for all of you. I know it's hard being a girl and a teenager and I know you guys feel insecure with this generation we have now. I just want you to know, that you're perfect and don't have to be insecure. You guys are my Fans and you all mean the world to me. I hate seeing you hurt because of one small pimple or the guy you like doesn't like you back. First, everyone goes through pimples so you don't have to be insecure about it cause everyone understands what a pain in the ass they can be. Second, screw the guy. Not literally. Haha. It's his loss and soon enough, you'll find your prince charming who will give you all the attention you deserve and tell you you're beautiful everyday. What I mean is, if you ever feel down, listen to this song and know that I will always be here for each and every one of you."

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