Giving Up

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I was back in LA and I was beyond excited that my album was coming out in two weeks.

Didn't Mean It was at #1 on iTunes and I was very very happy for what all my fans have done for me.

I was laying on my bed playing with Cupid and his yarn ball that I hadn't realized my sister coming in.

"Hey." She said, coming in and plopping herself on my bed next to me. Her hands were immediately on Cupid's fur.


She looked at Cupid once more before laying her eyes on me. "Anything you wanna tell me?"

I sighed. I knew she would find out sooner or later. It had to be all over the news. "You heard,huh?"

She nodded. "Yeah."

I sighed once again. "Look, it was my mistake. I shouldn't have kissed him nor given him hope that there will be an us if we ever got that chance again. I'm still hurt he used me for the fame."

She sighed and nodded. "I'm just looking out for you. I don't want to see you crying again. It hurts seeing my little sister cry."

I plopped myself on one elbow and looked at her. "Ari, there won't be a time where I won't cry. I have feelings too and sometimes I need to let them out. Even if it was for a boy who fooled me." I whispered the last part.

"I know and I'm sorry. I should've known better that your relationship with him was going too fast."

"It's alright." I said. "At least I know now not to get fooled again."

Never again.


After a day of two interviews and performances, I made it home and spent time with Ariana, Cocoa, and Cupid.

Cocoa and Cupid got on really well. Cocoa always had the need to protect Cupid from any danger, it was cute. They were like brothers.

We were all laying on the couches in our living room. Ariana put on an old play she liked while I attempted to watch it but failed when I started texting Niall.

From: Niall <3

What ya doin' girly? :D x

I smiled at the text while running my hands through Cupid's fur. The kitten purred as he tried to sleep on my lap.

To: Niall <3

Nothing just rubbing Cupid's fur and trying to watch a play Ari put on :p quite boring but she loves them .. How bout you? (: x

From: Niall <3

Nothin' just in the hotel room w da lads, we've been super busy today, we met some fans in the green tower :p

To: Niall <3

Nice, how'd it go? X

From: Niall <3

Great, the fans are incredible like always although they asked us weird n random questions ...

To: Niall <3

Lol :D how's Lux?

From: Niall <3

She's asleep in Harry's room, he sang her t sleep ...

I simply ignored his name and wrote something away from the topic of him.

To: Niall <3

Oh. I miss her, I can't wait to see her again (:

From: Niall <3

Yeah she won't be the only baby around anymore ...

To: Niall <3

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