Heart Of Stone

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,February 8

Harry's POV

I was at Zayn's house with the lads as we waited for our movie teaser trailer to finally air.

Niall was eating his popcorn, Zayn was asleep, Liam and Louis were bickering about football, and I was here, on twitter.

@HarryStyles: the movie trailer should be out shortly! Get your popcorn ready .x

@JaiBrooks1: miss ya bro! I'll be here watching it with the girls, we can't wait! (: @HarryStyles

It warmed my heart to know that even though Harmony and I weren't together (yet), I still had a strong relationship with the people who she cares about, especially Ari and Jai.

I know it was going to be hard trying to get close to her brother but I was willing to do it, for her.

"Harry, it's on!"

I put my phone away in my pocket and stared at the laptop on Niall's lap while we encircled him and watched.

The trailer started with the fans screaming, something the lads and I haven't gotten used to no matter how popular we got.

"It's huge man." Liam said in the movie.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Louis pat Liam on the back as he smiled and already had tears in his eyes.

The trailer then went to our families and how much we missed home. That was the down side to all of this, but we were beyond grateful for the things the fans have done for us.

"Well get off the phone before I start crying." Zayn said in the trailer.

Louis then patted Zayn's back while Zayn stared at the screen as he sniffed.

"No matter how famous you get, you'll always be my baby." My mum said in the trailer.

I will always be her baby. No matter what, I'll always be thankful for everything my mum and the boys' parents have done for us.

The trailer then went on to the more positive side of our career. There were flashes of us hugging fans, Niall shirtless in the recording studio, and during our video shoot in Live While We're Young.

"I've always wanted a little brother, now I got four of them." Liam said.

We all looked at Liam and awed at him before hugging him all at once.

By the time the trailer ended, Liam and Zayn were crying while the rest of us were emotional, but weren't going to cry.

"We've had an amazing three years boys." Niall said as Zayn closed the laptop and placed it on the table in front of the sofa we were sitting on.

"And more to come!" I yelled.

We all had a group hug before we started attacking each other.

We were never going to change.



"Hiii!" I waved at the camera as Harmony, Ariana, and Jai appeared on the screen.

We were still at Zayn's house and decided to just chill out here for our day off so I decided on Skyping them.

Niall was busy doing a follow spree on twitter, Liam was watching TV, and Zayn and Louis were outside playing football.

"Hey!" The waved back with smiles as they sat on Harmony's bed.

"We loved the trailer!" Harmony grinned.

"Yeah man, we can't wait to see it!" Jai agreed.

"Hopefully we'll be invited to the premiere..?" Ariana quirked an eyebrow.

I laughed and nodded. "Of course you all can come, I'll even have one of our drivers go pick you up."

They cheered in victory while I laughed.

"Hey, you're wearing the beanie I bought you!" Harmony noticed and pointed at the blue beanie on my head.

Before I could say anything, Louis and Zayn stepped into the room.

"He hasn't taken it off, believe it or not." He said as he sat beside me on the couch and scooted so he could see the screen.

"Aww." Jai and Ariana cooed while Harmony and I blushed.

Yes we weren't together but I still had feelings for her and I knew that she did for me too but there was one obstacle to us getting back together.


That's all she wanted to be.

I knew she was afraid to get back together because she didn't want to get hurt like last time but I swear on my life that I wasn't going to make that mistake ever again.

I wasn't giving up on her.


February 8

Harmony's POV

I was at the Grammy's with Ariana and Bruno.

He was performing tonight and was nominated for an award so we had to be there to support him.

Ariana wore a short red dress with her hair the usual way she does it while I wore a short white dress that had a heart opening on the back and I wore white high heels and my hair was curled down.

Bruno was in his usual black tuxedo with his natural curly fro.

We got off the car and headed to the red carpet hand in hand. Ariana was always nervous during red carpets because she didn't like posing for the cameras so we had to be there with her and help her.

Bruno posed by himself and did interviews while Ariana and I posed together as the paparazzi directed us where to look and what pose to make.

Sure it was annoying, but it flows by quickly.

"I'm going to go by myself, okay?" I informed Ariana as my guide told me to go on my own now.

She gulped but nodded and let go of my hand as I went to pose by myself.

Sometimes people would say that I seemed like the older sister since Ariana was very shy during the cameras but to be honest, she was more mature than I was behind the scenes.

She and I stopped posing and started taking some interviews while Bruno was doing one right now.

"Look at how lovely your sisters look tonight!" I heard the interviewer say.

"Yeah, I know right? They both look gorgeous, I'm afraid I'm going to have to keep them to myself." He joked.

Ariana rolled her eyes and started with her interview.

"Harmony," the interviewer spoke. "How are you feeling tonight with your brother's nomination and his performance?"

"I feel good, I'm really excited to see him perform, he always does an amazing job and I have my fingers crossed for him to win the award." I answered with a smile.

The interviewer nodded and started with the next question. "Now, fans want to know why the three of you have different last names or no last name even though you are all related?"

"Well, we all have our separate career so we didn't want it to seem like we were a group or anything so we decided on having our own fake last names. Ari and Bruno got theirs but I didn't want one so I just went with Harmony." I answered.

"Viewers want to know what's been going on with you and your ex lover, Harry Styles? And how do you feel about him and his other ex, Taylor Swift?"

"Harry and I have just been getting to know each other a little better in a friendly way and have been just hanging out but that's it, we're just friends." I didn't answer the next question else I was going to explode.

After the interviews, Ariana, Bruno, and I went into the stadium and got ready for the Grammys to begin.


The Grammys started but to my luck, Taylor Swift was performing yet another break up song.

Kill. Me. Now.

Ariana and I were sitting down and waited for this to be over. I didn't even know what was going on. There were people dressed as circus animals and they were just running on stage.

"So he calls me up and he's like I still love you and I'm like, I'm sorry but I'm opening up the Grammys and we are never getting back together!"

Ariana and I had our mouths wide open, I bet flies would go in.

"Please tell me she did not just do that." Ariana turned to me, still surprised.

God help me from going on stage and yanking that blonde horse hair from her crazy head.

I looked in back of me to see our friend Nicki Minaj.

"Hey Nicki, do you know where Kanye is?" I asked.

Nicki started cracking up along with both of our aisles.


Performances were made and awards were won and finally Bruno came on.

Ariana and I stood up and started cheering for him as he sang Locked Out Of Heaven. He was doing a tribute to Bob Marley with Rihanna and the Marleys which was a huge deal to him and we were extremely proud.

After the performance, more awards were given and again, Taylor Swift got on stage to get her award.

"Kanye." Nicki coughed behind me and apparently everyone heard and started laughing, leaving Taylor to watch us (glare) before speaking.

Taylor then thanked everyone she wanted to thank and what she said at the end was what made my ears pop.

"My fans and I have had the best and longest relationship!" She said.

"Yeah, that's because you can't keep one with males." I muttered and again. everyone heard. Whoops?

Taylor just glared at me before she left with the presenters who were also laughing.


As soon as the Grammys were over, Ariana and I left home while Bruno stayed with Phil to go to the after party.

When we arrived, we changed into our pjs and took off our make up before laying with our pets and watching tv.

@ArianaGrande: so so proud of @BrunoMars ! (:

@BrunoMars: Grammys baby! Time to celebrate! :D

@Harmonyy<3: congrats! @BrunoMars

@TaylorSwift: some people are so rude...

@Harmonyy<3: hey, you're the one who brought it to yourself by insulting my best friend on stage :P you're lucky I didn't bring Kanye on stage (: @TaylorSwift


February 11

@Harmonyy<3: happy birthday to my friend, Taylor Lautner! (:

Today was Taylor's birthday so I was going to a baseball game with him while Ariana stayed home with Bruno.

"So, how were the Grammys?" Taylor asked as he drove through the freeway while I sat in the passenger seat.

"I'm guessing you heard?" I asked, embarrassed. Everyone's heard about it and has been trying to contact me about my strong move.

Taylor couldn't take it so he let it all out and laughed. "Yep."

I sighed. "It was stupid."

"No." He chuckled. "It was a nice move."

"Yeah, a nice move to get me in trouble." I put my face in my hands.

"Not really, everyone is proud that you did something they couldn't be brave enough to do." He tried to make me feel better.

Before I could reply, my phone started ringing and I picked up to the person who should be 100% mad at me.

"Hey, I'm sorry-" I began.

"No, thank you." Harry spoke.


"Thank you for defending me, it was sweet and I really appreciate it."

"Kick ass girl!" Louis shouted through the phone while Harry laughed and I could hear chuckles in the background probably from the other boys.

"Are you with the boys?"

"Yeah, we're recording right now at the studio." He said as they howled.


"Anyways, I owe you one." He said.

"No, you don't. Your friendship is enough, I swear. I would've done it either way."

"Hey Harmony?"


"Why did you do it?" He asked.

"I-uh.." I stuttered. "Like I said, you're one of the closest people I have and I can't let someone embarrass you, it's just not right. It wouldn't have been okay if I didn't say anything."

"Oh." He sounded uncertain."Well, thank you."

"No problem." I said.

"Well, I have to go. I'll see you soon, okay?"


"Bye." He said before hanging up.

I sighed as I closed my phone.

"You doing okay?" Taylor asked while he had been silent during my conversation with Harry.



February 12

I was doing more tour rehearsals since touring started this weekend so we needed to be here the whole day, rehearsing.

I was taking a break for a bit so I took the opportunity to tweet.

@Harmonyy<3: last week of tour rehearsals before we start touring this weekend! Can't wait :D xoxo

Before I could log off, a trend caught my eye.


I curiously tapped the trend and saw pictures of Taylor Swift shooting her new music video and dressed just like Harry.


@Harmonyy<3: also, word of advice.. Do not make fun of your ex, especially in a music video else some girl named Harmony might just attack you (: x

@Harmonyy<3: very low of you to do that btw although I'm happy Harry dumped you as soon as he realized how much of an immature person you are (: @TaylorSwift

I soon logged off after favoriting tweets from fans who were applauding me for my latest tweets.

"Harmony, you okay?" My stage manager, Chloe asked me.

"Oh, nothing." I shrugged, knowing she's seen my tweets. "Just attacking a crazy lama." I said before strutting back on stage.


February 14

I stayed after your rehearsals so I could rehearse on a song I had just written last night. At least I thought I was alone.

It was dark and there was only one spotlight focused on the piano and I.

I was so focused that I hadn't noticed footsteps coming until I heard a familiar voice.

"Hey, what are you doing here?"

I turned my head and saw Harry in a checkered shirt, jeans, his blue beanie I have him, and his boots as he walked over and sat beside me on the piano seat.

"Nothing, I was just rehearsing on this new song I just wrote last night." I said.

"All alone?" He smiled, yet I could sense his fear of me being alone.

"Yeah." I said. "It's peaceful."

Harry showed off his dimples as he smiled and rubbed my back, something I wasn't expecting.

"Can I hear it?" He asked after a short silence.

"What?" I've berly rehearsed this song.

"Come on, I'll sing the chorus with you if you want." He offered.

"I-I don't know.." I stuttered.

"It's okay, it's just me." He said as he continued to rub my back.

I know it's just Harry but it'll be awkward since this song is about him and I beg he'll figure it out as soon as he hears the chorus.

"Alright." I finally agreed and we both turned to face the piano. I placed my hands on the keys and began.

"Can you keep a secret?" I sang.

Will I hold your hand, among the flames,

Honey you're a shipwreck,

With your heart of stone,

Can I get a witness?

To the bruises and the wasted tears,

You can dry a river,

With your heart of stone (2x)"

Like Harry promised, he sang the chorus with me and he knew exactly how it went. As if he knew this song even though he's never heard it before.

"I can breathe (2x)

Water (2x)

I can breathe (2x)

Water (2x)

When you're here with me,

You're not here with me.."

As I started the second verse, I could feel the energy in the room. It was calm yet heartbreaking. Harry looked intense yet unsure and I knew he was figuring out this song.

He stared at me as I played and sang and all I could think about was how close he was sitting next to me. How close his fingers were to mine. How I could feel his breath and how it gave me goosebumps against my skin.

I wanted so badly to reach over and have him hold me. Hold his hand. Feel him against me. It was as if this time alone with the music playing and him here, would be the place where I would have given up everything.

How I'd forgive him and having us start all over from the beginning. How I wouldn't have an excuse to have him hold me. How I would be able to kiss him without having to explain myself.

I wanted that so badly.

"Can I pry your finger?

With everything I say and do,

And I just can't forget you,

And your heart of stone.."

Harry sang along with me again and our voices harmonized with each other so perfectly. His deep voice sounded so gentle yet so powerful and I would always love it.

"I can breathe (2x)

Water (2x)

I can breathe (2x)

Water (2x)

When you're here with me,

You're not here with me.."

"I can breathe (2x)

Water (2x)

I can breathe (2x)

Water (2x)

When you're here with me,

You're not here with me.."

As soon as I hit the last few keys, Harry and I made eye contact and I knew I wasn't the only one feeling this strange yet homely energy. He knew how I felt. It was like he could read my mind.

Looking into his eyes gave me a wave of realization that this was no mistake and it was going to happen sooner or later. I just didn't think it'd crash into me so soon.

I was falling for him all over again.

_ o n t | L e t | M e | _ o

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