the beginning

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Our first date was a month ago. It was July now.

My brother had left to work on his new album three days after Harry and I's first date and my sister was working on her new show. I was pretty lonely at home most of the time but Harry would come visit me since the boys and he had already finished touring.

Harry and I have been doing really great in our relationship and it did get pretty serious fast. If you're wondering by serious i mean doing "it", nope. We haven't and i'm not planning to anytime soon. I'm just not ready for that yet.Harry hasn't talked about it and neither have I so everything's good right now.

I was in the kitchen making myself oatmeal in my blue tracksuit when I heard the doorbell ring. I sat my bowl down on the table and walked to the door. I opened the door but before i could see who it was,i felt someones lips on mine. I kissed back at first but then i pulled back, ready to slap the person but realized it was only Harry. He hugged my before i could say anything and started walking inside while still hugging me and closed the door with one hand while keeping the other around me. We stayed like that for a few more seconds until he let go.

"Hey babe."He smiled.

"Hi." I greeted back, still breathless.

"You were going to slap me weren't you?"He laughed.

"Yeah,until i realized it was you."I admitted.

"What were you doing before i got here?"He asked.

"I was about to eat some oatmeal."

"Okay then come on,i don't want you to miss breakfast."He said taking my hand and leading me to the kitchen.

We both sat down across from eachother once we sat down at the table in the kitchen.

"What do you wanna do today?"I asked taking a spoonful of oatmeal in my mouth.

"I don't know.I was with the boys in our hotel but it was so boring."

"Oh so you only came here because you were bored?"I raised my eyebrows.

"No,i missed you."

"Sureee."I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not lieing."He said defensively.

"Mhmm.."I said, standing up.

"Come here."He extended his arms for me.

"No."I crossed my arms.

"No?"He mimicked me by crossing his arms and raising his eyebrows.

"Nope."I smirked.

He was silent at first but then he said,"Come here!!"And chased me as i ran to the living room.

I stopped at the couch and looked for him but he wasn't there.I turned my head back and he jumped ontop of me , pushing me onto the couch. He began ticking me at my side as i laughed.

"STOP!!!" I yelled laughing .

"Not until you tell me you missed me too."He smirked.

"No."I giggled.

"okay then more tickling for you."He vowed tickling me harder.

"Alright alright!" I screamed.

"What?" he asked.

"I missed you."I mumbled.

"Huh?" he asked again.

"I missed you."I whispered.

"I can't hear you."he said.

"I missed you!"i screamed and breathed hard when he stopped.

"Now was that so hard to say?"He teased.

"No."I pouted.

I was about to get up when he grabbed my arm and said,"No. Stay and cuddle with me."


"Pleaassee?"He pouted.

"Fine."I said as i layed down next to him and felt his arms wrap around me.

We talked for an hour until we both fell asleep in eachothers arms.


I woke up with a phone ringing next to me.

Harry woke up also, squinting his eyes and taking the phone out of his pocket,putting it next to his ear.

"Hello?"He answered."I'm at Harmony's why?"He asked."Right now?Okay.Bye."He hung up."I gotta go babe."He said standing up.

"Why?'I asked standing up next to him.

"I need to wake up early tomorrow cause we gotta go to Radio City tomorrow in Manchester.Oh by the way,can you come?"He asked.

Well i was going to be alone tomorrow , i thought."Sure how long are we staying there?"

"The lads are going to go home after we go there and Key 103 which is the next day."He explained."But i don't know if you wanna stay in England."

"I guess i could stay there for a month.I just gotta book a hotel."I thought aloud.

"It's fine , you could just stay at Lou and I's place."He offered.

"You sure?"I asked.

"Positive and Eleanor is going to be there too so you can meet her and have some girl time."

"Alright what time are we leaving?"I asked.

"At 4 in the morning."He said.

"Okay then-"

"Why don't you just come over with me and the lads so we don't have to come pick you up and we can just go straight to the airport."He suggested.

"Alright let me just pack my things."


I packed my things and already informed my sister that i was leaving and she said she was perfectly okay with it.

A month at a different place . Yeah, I was pretty excited.

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