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January 16

Harry's POV

The lads and I were on the plane on our way to Japan.

When we land, we're going straight to our hotel and get ready for a ton of interviews and performances to sing to our Japanese fans.

Like all new places we visit, the boys and I were beyond excited to go and explore somewhere we haven't been or even imagined to visit.

We wanted to try the food, learn the culture here, visit the places here, and most of all meet the fans.

While we waited to land, the boys and I were keeping ourselves occupied.

Louis was talking to Liam about the many things he was going to buy such as a robot, Zayn was fast asleep as usual, and Niall was tweeting on his phone.

I was currently just thinking about our recent trip to Africa. Everything was so different from here. There weren't roads, all there was was roads filled with garbage. There weren't houses, there were tiny homes made of wood or whatever the people could find in the garbage. There weren't schools, all the kids stayed home or worked depending on their age.

They didn't have any clothes so they had to keep reusing what they had. They didn't have stores or markets so they had to look for their food.

It was the most depressing place to be.

You see me and the boys being millionaires with our new cars, our own houses, and all we've ever wanted and then you see the complete opposite in a different place.

It completely opened my eyes.

People were suffering every day whether it was because of starvation or if they got hurt. Babies were dying because they didn't get a shot that cost so little but cost so much to the parents when they berly had any money.

Liam and I didn't even make it when we went to visit the babies at the hospital. We met so many that all had illnesses that were death threatening. They didn't even live their life yet and they were already dying.

After coming back, I promised myself that I would do anything to help out all of the people who were ill, homeless, or needed any help.

I would do anything in my power to make a change.


My thoughts soon drifted onto last night when I was talking to Harmony.

She was one of the many people that I've been grateful for having in my life.

Without her I wouldn't have found anyone as generous as she. She was involved with many charities that helped people and animals in need and I praised her for that.

She wants to help as much as I do and I love her for being that way.

She wants to see people happy.

Even when she isn't happy herself.

Last night when I told her I wanted to hug her I truly meant it. I felt like if I stretched my arms through the screen I could actually hug her.

But I couldn't and I hated that.

"Lads, we're here." Paul said, catching my attention.

"We made it boys." Liam grinned before we all got up and started walking out of the plane and into Japan.


January 17

We were currently in the hotel after hours of meeting the fans and vein stuck in traffic.

We didn't realize how huge it was going to be at the airport when we landed.

We surely didn't expect it.

Once we walked out the door, the fans immediately yelled our names and shrieked when they saw us walking their way.

Security had to stand in front of them so they wouldn't come running at us.

The boys and I separated into different sections and said hi to the fans and signed whatever they had in hand and take pictures with them while they tried telling us in english how much they loved us or if we would marry them.

The fans were different from the others. For one, they were Japanese. Second, their accent. Third, their looks. All of our fans are equally beautiful trust me on that. Japanese fans had different styles and wore colorful clothes. They kind of looked like cartoons to be honest.

After we met as many fans as we could, we drove to our hotel to rest and admire the outside of it.

This morning we had millions of interviews with tv shows or the news shows.

Zayn felt a bit sick in one certain interview and had to excuse himself to go vommit.

When we came back to the hotel, he told us it was something he ate last night that got him sick.

So now here we were at the hotel and we were extremely bored.

I decided to call Harmony and see what she was up to.

"Hello?" She sounded as if I had woken her up.

"Did I wake you up, H?" I called her her nickname I chose for her.

She yawned into the line. "Yeah, kind of."

"Sorry." I apologized.

"It's okay." She said drowsily.

Louis, Liam, and Zayn went to the market to go buy some stuff so it was just Niall and I. Ni was watching tv in the living room so I knew no one would bother us.

"What time is it over there?" I asked.

"I'm not sure but it's pretty early to wake me up. I'm still kind of sleepy."

"If you want I can call you later. I totally forgot you were a day behind."

"Okay. Call me in like three hours." She said.

"Okay, babe." I slipped in. Luckily, she didn't notice since she was still sleepy and was too tired to function what I said.

"Alright, Harry. Bye." She said.





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