date part 3

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There was traffic on the way to the restaurant Harry was taking me to so he suggested to turn on the radio . Being a big rap and pop fan , i put 99.7 . Wide Awake by Katy Perry was playing at the moment so i was singing along to the lyrics.

'falling from cloud nine,

crashing from the high,

im letting go tonight,

(yeah im)falling from cloud nine,

im wide awake..'

The song soon ended and then a familiar one started.

'you're insecure ,

don't know what for ,

you're turning heads when you walk through the door-or-or'

I looked over at Harry seeing that he was grinning at me . I smiled back at him and then we both started singing along to the song loudly.

"Baby you light up my world like nobody else ,

the way that you flip your head gets me overwhelmed ,

but when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell ,

you don't know-oh-oh ,

you don't know you're beautiful'


"Hi i'm Liana your waitress for tonight how may i help you?" The blonde waitress asked holding a pen and small notebook in her hands.

"Hey , can i get the olive raviolis and a coca-cola?"Harry asked giving her a smile smile.

"Sure."She smiled in a flirty way . I'm guessing she probably knew who he was. "Is that it?"She asked , not taking a glance at me. Rude much?

"What about you,babe?"Harry asked turning to me.

I blushed at the name he just called me but regained my attention again when i realized he and the waitress were waiting for a response.I looked through the menu and saw something very appetizing."Can i get a coca-cola and cheese raviolis?"I asked looking at the waitress.

"Mhmm."The waitress scribbled it down and left without eexcusing herself.Really dude?

"So,are you doing anything tomorrow?"Harry asked trying to make conversation while we waited for the food to be ready.

"I have a free day tomorrow so i'm just going to chill and hang out with Ariana and Bruno."I said.

"Any plans in the future?"He asked.

"Bruno is leaving to work on his new album for 11 months, Ariana is starting this new show with Jenette McCurdy in five days so she's going to be busy the next few months, and I'm going to start recording a new album in a few months."I explained.

"So, you're going to be alone the next few months?"He asked.

"Yeah,I guess.But that's okay."I smiled.

He grabbed my hand that was ontop of the table."Do you mind if i go visit you?"He asked looking at our now entwined hands.

"Yeah,I'm pretty sure you can." Does that mean we're going to be official?

"I just want to let you know that I really like you and I hope that this relationship lasts long like i hope it would be."he looked at me, staring at my eyes.

"Does that mean we're official?"I asked the only question i needed to know.

"Yeah."He smiled showing his adorable dimples. I can't believe this gorgeous guy wants to be with me. It took a while for it to sink in.

I smiled but remembered something."What about the fans?Wouldn't they be upset that their curly hair fry is taken?"

He laughed at the nickame I called him."They'll be fine.They know i was no longer going to be single sooner or later.They have to face the fact that i'm looking for my happiness like the other boys have."Did he just call me his happiness ?Awww.

"Thanks."I blushed.

"You're welcome."He smiled.

We kept talking about our likes,dislikes,hobbies, just getting to know eachother. We got our food and talked until it was time to go.


Harry pulled up at my house and looked at me. "I guess we're here."

"Thanks.For everything."I looked at him.

"Anytime."He said.

I was about to respond when i noticed he was leaning in. What do i do?I could either lean in or make a complete fool of myself by not kissing him.I started leaning in and then our lips met.He kissed me softly , letting our mouths caress eachother gently.I kissed him back, giving in.

Does it get any better than this?

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