A Day With The Boys

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These past few days have been excruciating ever since I told Harry that I had given up. To be honest, giving up on him was the most painful thing I've ever had to do.

But I knew it was for the best. Seeing him with someone else even though they were faking was something I couldn't take.

It was either I'm your number one or I'm gone.

I've surrounded myself with my brother and sister. They've been very supportive of me and always do their best to make me forget about the past.

When they go to work, which was either acting or singing, I hang out at home with Cupid and sometimes even Taylor when he's not busy.

Taylor was my best friend. He understands what I feel and is always there for me when I need someone. He's also someone very fun to hang out with. He's an outdoor person so we always go for walks, play with Ari, Bruno, and Taylor's dog, or just hang out in my backyard. From the moment we first hung out I knew that our friendship was going to last.

Only friendship. Nothing more. I've had people who interview me or even people I'm close with ask me if there's anything more with Taylor but I tell them the truth, no. Taylor and I are and always will be friends.

Same thing with Niall. We've grown very close after the time we spent together in New York but the same thing goes on with him. People always expect something more and there really isn't. Yes I have been talking to him more and we've been texting but that's because we've grown so close but like a brother sister relationship.

Even though I'm done with Harry, it doesn't mean that I'm going to move on as quickly as he has.

I don't think I ever am.


A week has passed and today, December 11 of 2012, was the day my album was finally going to get released.

I was nervous but super excited to finally let it out to my fans, also known as my Harmonies.

I had a whole week of interviews to do before my album got released so it was pretty busy. Plus, I had to make my album cover and photo shoot.

My album cover was of me but only the side of my face was showing and I was staring off in the distance. My hair was made wavy and it looked like air was blowing through it. I wore a long purple silly dress but you could only see the top half. My make up was all different types of purple. Dark purple lips, light purple eyeshadow, and pink blush. And then the mascara and eyeliner.

The background of the picture was a pink wonderland. Everything was covered in pink roses.

Anyways, I was excited so I decided to finally tell all of my fans the amazing news.

@Harmonyy<3: My album Him is out now! Go buy it on iTunes or any local store :D lots of love to my Harmonies, I love you xoxo

Lots of retweets and tweet backs were sent. Five minutes after I had tweeted, #HimOutNow was trending on the top of the trends.

@Harmonyy<3: you guys are amazing! Wouldn't have been where I am today without you all! Xoxoxo

@NiallOfficial: guess who just bought Him on iTunes? :D love you best friend! @Harmonyy<3

@Harmonyy<3: lol thank you best friend! Come visit me! You,Taylor, and I should hang out! :D @NiallOfficial

@NiallOfficial: YES! I'll be on my way! @Harmonyy<3

I laughed at his response and logged out of twitter, deciding to take a nap and cuddle with Cupid.


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