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-------- 2 Weeks Later--------

It was the second day of October.

A lot has happened the first two weeks. Niall's birthday passed so we was 19 now, my brother was still promoting his single, my sister has been working on her show, One Direction's single 'Live While We're Young' came out so they were starting to promote, and my single 'Who Says' was going to come out tomorrow. No one's heard it except the kids at the charity event and they couldn't record the performance because we didn't allow any cameras so it was top secret.

Harry left the day after Bruno left. He was promoting the single with the rest of the boys but the good news is that he was going to come tomorrow when I was going to have my first interview for the single at Ryan Seacrest radio!

I woke up and went in on my laptop and logged onto twitter.

@Harmonyy<3: new single 'Who Says' comes out tomorrow! :D so excited for you guys to hear it(: love you <3 xxxx

@PerrieEdwards: @Harmonyy<3 aaahhhh!!!! So excited to hear it ;D love you baba xx

@HarryStyles: @Harmonyy<3 excited to hear it AND see you tomorrow love <3 love you (; xxxxxxxx

I smiled at my bestfriend's and boyfriend's tweets to me. I then decided to check on my fan's tweets. They were all about being excited and how proud they were of me until I saw a couple who here hate.

@HarryIsMineBitch: @Harmonyy<3 screw you! You took him away from me you slut!

@Harryswife: @Harmonyy<3 go to hell! You ruined everything!

@KylieStyles: @Harmonyy<3 DIE! The world would be a better place without you in it !

Reading those comments ruined me. I started to cry. I was about to logg off until I saw a different tweet.

@HarryStyles: all of you who are hating on MY GIRLFRIEND, LEAVE HER ALONE! She hasn't done anything to you and she doesn't deserve it! I love her and none of you can change that!

Another tweet popped up after his.

@OneDirection: haters, leave @Harmonyy<3 alone, if you're a fan of ours then you shouldn't be hating on someone we care for and be HAPPY for her and Harry. X Louis X Zayn X Liam X Niall

And then four more.

@PerrieEdwards: leave my baba alone! -.- just because you hate onsomeone else doesn't make you any better!

@ArianaGrande: Leave my sister alone. She deserves to be happy for all the work she's accomplished and for finally finding someone she truly loves. Haters gunna hate. X

@BrunoMars: Man you guys are ridiculous. Learn to respect others and don't judge them. Just because she has the boy all of you want, doesn't mean you won't find your own guy. I like Harry actually, and he's going to be staying for A LONG TIME.

@HarryStyles: @BrunoMars you called me a boy -.- lol and thanks dude (: @Harmonyy<3 text me babe :p love you xxxx

After looking at the tweets, I logged off and turned off my laptop. As soon as I turned it off, I got a text. I got up and grabbed my phone from my desk.

From: Hazza/ My Curly<3

Love don't listen to them. You're better than them, okay? Stay strong(: I'll see you tomorrow so you won't be lonely <3

To: Hazza/ My Curly<3

I know. It just hurts what they think of me. I will, for you<3 okay xx

From: Hazza/ My Curly<3

That's my girl <3 ;D xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I laughed at his text and went downstairs to eat some breakfast. I was too lazy to cook myself anything so I just ate cereal. After eating, I took a shower. Taking my clothes off, I felt the warm water run through me.

When I was done, I changed into some seats and a white t-shirt. I put my hair in a bun after I blow dried it.

I got on my bed and went in my computer again. I looked at the corner of the screen, and there was an IChat request. Harry.

Accepting the request, I saw my curly's face in the screen. It looked like he was backstage of the fan event they had in Sweden.

"Hi!!!!" He waved at the screen and gave me a grin.

I laughed at his cuteness and smiled at him. "Hi!"

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Umm.. Just being lazy." I said.

He laughed and looked behind him and there were the other One Direction boys.

"Awww you're chatting with her??!!!" Louis asked and grinned at the screen. "You went against Paul and chatted with her anyway! Aww Harry's a rebel!"

"Wait what?" I asked and looked at Harry." What does he mean you went against Paul?"

Liam popped up on the screen non Harry's other side. "He means that Paul told Harry that he couldn't chat with you but Harry being the Romeo he is, did it anyways."

I looked over at Harry again." Haz, you didn't have to do that. Log off so Paul doesn't get mad."

"No." He protested." It's okay, I got this. I just missed you over the last two weeks and I needed to see you."

"Awwwwwww." Louis and Liam said in unison.

Cue the blush.

"Aww, baby, you're blushing." Harry smiled, showing his dimples.

"I know." I said and blushed even more.

"Well, Lou and I will be going to go check on Zayn. He's been looking at himself in the bathroom mirror ever since we got this break." Liam said and left with Louis.

"You're single's coming out tomorrow." Harry grinned once Lilo left.

I grinned." I know! I'm excited."

"You're cute when you do that." He complimented.

And there returns the blush.

He laughed and then turned serious." How are you? With the hate, I mean."

I sighed." I'm okay. Thanks for the tweets. It means a lot. I just have to get used to it, I guess." I sighed again.

He frowned." Like I said, stay strong. I'll be with you tomorrow so I can give a BIG HUG! And remember, they got nothing on you baby." He sang, and then laughed.

I laughed with him. "Thanks for singing my song. Like oh my god, Harry Styles just sang my song!" I joked and pretended to fan girl.

"You're funny." He laughed.

After that, we've been giving each other funny faces. Tongues out, cross eyes, goofy faces, etc.

"Whut the hell 're you guys doin'?" Niall asked into the screen, taking a bite of a sandwich.

"Just being silly." Harry answered and stuck his tongue out at me.

"Yep." I agreed, and crossed my eyes.

"You guys 're weird." Niall commented.

"Mhmmm." Harry and I agreed and made more goofy faces at eachother.

"Sorry to interrupt this cuteness but it's time to go Harry." Liam said, coming into the screen.

"Aww, okay." Harry frowned and looked at me. "I'll see you later babe. Love you."

I blew him a kiss." Love you too." I waved bye at the guys," Bye guys!"

"Bye!!!" They chorused and then the screen went black.

I logged back onto twitter and posted a screen shot of me and Harry on the iChat with both of us holding up peace signs and then attached a tweet.

@Harmonyy<3: wouldn't know what I'd do without him <3 (:

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