Don't Define Me

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Maia's Junior Year

I pushed Nia out of my way and on to her locker as I had walked with the cheer leaders, often trying to impress them. Riley's shoulder echoed onto the locker, as a tear flushed down her eye when I walked past. They're snickers inspired me to yell out some-not-so-pleasant things as Nia rushed by me, scared and afraid, just the way I liked them.

"Maia," Nina sounded.

"Nina it's cool." I shot her a smile, feeling a little bad for tearing these kids down, but then again simply not caring. These halls we're my life, this uniform was my life, and I had to live up to it, in order for everyone to bow to calling me "Queen bee." Tonight we we're going to a rager. Regan, my crush who is entirely out of my league and a senior winked at me as I walked past him, and is leaving me to blush, and the cheer leaders to tug my arms with an "ooo!"

I'd won prom queen that year, I'd made everyone afraid of me, but that year was the same year my mom died, and the same year I was ashamed of myself of living the stereotypical life, the same year I was lost, and took it out on others. But here's how I changed.

My past does not define who I am. I've changed; although I've found myself in love this year, I'd love to tell you all about the complications in love stories.

I didn't really know how to love myself after my mom died. I guess I've felt pretty but unpretty all my life... And when I bullied some of you it was only because I was in the unpretty part. And I am so sorry for making you feel like you are not worth anything... It's just how I felt.

So I hold on.

With a deceased mother who is still watching over you, I know she might be disappointed in some of my actions, words, and choices. I never have dreams about her spreading that disappointment thou. I want her to contact me --- in some way, because I miss her so much. Not enough words can explain the bond me and my mother had.

With a former fugitive in the darkness aka Ross Lynch, on my plate is drama to come.

I was a victim of a grown man Ron.

I hate him and I know. Hated him. I realized if you hate someone what joy will you have in your life afterwards? You have got to let go after it's over... It's just for the best you look to your future instead of your past. I am not the "Victim" anymore.

If I had died? I wouldn't want to miss it all. It's all to important. It's my last year as an bad-decision-making teenager. Time to make the most of it.

No one will care who you we're in high school. So make the best of the people who do care.

"Maia. I love you, because your you." Ross told Maia one day, after they had gotten into a fight. It was a small fight, but Maia worried to much into it of course, until Ross said that. Maia, before going in tears buried her face into his chest, as his arms went around her.

"Ability may get you to the top. But it takes character to keep you there."

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