C61 - The Day, Night, Hour

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  • Dedicated to Everyone

Some people are worth writing about. I wrote about Ross Lynch, Nina Kyid, Allie Brooks, Austin Mels, Dana LaDonns, and my family for a year in a journal. It's because they were all worth every page. Now I get to enjoy one last moment with them before it all ends, and maybe write in some new memories. Well, I know we will all be in touch. But high school was safe. The real world? Who knows? People won't be able to tell us who we are in the real world. We will tell them.

Graduation Day

Graduation for the seniors has finally come after endless banter about owning up to leaving high school, and completing your rights of passage in style. But there is always a morning to this next stage of our lives. And my morning to my graduation day couldn't have been better.

"Thank you Rydel for helping Ross. Yea, today is the day." I smiled, talking with Ross' tutor through the phone while pacing around. I was already awake early in the kitchen, pajamas on, hair in a pony tail, and a lot of coffee. I was nervous, how could I be nervous? This is the day I've been waiting for, but somehow I was multi tasking around the kitchen trying to keep distracted.

"I'll see you." I finally stopped in my tracks while in the kitchen, and laid my phone down on the kitchen table trying to avoid sweat. I decided to just take a deep breath. Nothing can go wrong today, but it just felt that way. Like something might go wrong, and I'd be left wishing to want to repeat my graduation day. But it was today. The day I've been writing about for centuries, and it is finally here. I could trip while walking up to the podium. Laura's design of the graduation could be horrible!? Anything bad could happen! I knew Nina, Allie, and Austin would be here in a while, so I had to hurry and occupy my worries.

"Happy graduation babe!" Ross yelled coming from the stairs. He was shirtless, but not even his glistening body helped my mind. I gave him a smile, trying to hide my arched eye brows.

"Yea," I turned around resting my hands on the counter. "Happy." I muttered.

It was a pause, and before I knew it... "What the hell was that!!?" He remarked loudly and rudely. I turned back around scared, and our eyes both we're exchanging different looks when they meet.

"What?" I fiddled with my hands.

"You've been so excited about graduation... now, today is the day." Ross laughed. "Where's your excitement? Where's your girly 'yay'" He walked over and laid his hand on my cheek softly.

"In my stomach pit," I replied, feeling my eyebrows arch down. He titled his head, his eyes growing into huge circles. I continued. "Anything could happen today... you could blow up, um die, some one could---"

"Someone could graduate at graduation." Ross put an optimistic spin on my sentence. "Someone like you," His hands went at my sides, as he had me cornered on the counter. His lips we're coming toward mine and his eyes we're steady, as I didn't hesitate to pull his hair.

"Ow!" He tried to not yell so loud. "What the fuck!?" He rubbed his hair with a certain tone set in his voice. I realized I was shaking, and I finally took another deep breath.

"I'm sorry, it's just..." I rubbed my hands over my forehead leaning on the counter. What is it? I felt crazy, as a bunch of thoughts we're running through my mind. I'm not the type of girl that turns crazy over night. But this couldn't be anything more than a morning issue. Wooo it's getting hot in here.

But Ross' hazel eyes finally relaxed on me again, and I hadn't wanted to concern him anymore than I already had. "Well," I started smiling back into his eyes. "Weren't you just going to kiss me?" I asked in between a sigh of relief, pulling his boxers outline.

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