C38 - Fight Or Flight

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I was really.....
feeling sorry at a moping Ross at my bedroom door, standing there, dropping his journal on my floor. Behind him was my dark hallway, which had not been helping anyone's mood. Nobody was home, but me finishing up my home work, the typical Thursday.

At least for once he had met the door, and not my window.

It was more like a faint stare he had in his eyes, as I dropped my pen on my math work simply putting all my attention on him, and got out of my desk chair. "What happened? Did Laura do something?"

He still stood there and he silently laughed, his chest showing that that was definitely not it. "No, it's not about Laura." A sob sound was in his deep voice.

I picked up his journal, and confused I opened it to see the same pages I read last week. The same words, I screwed up, on every page which I still suspected was there because of what he did at prom. "Why'd you drop this?"

"Because... I don't want it." When I looked up to him, his eyes had not one sign of emotion in them. Just a stare, a very faint and dull one, that made him look like a completely different person.

"Why not?" I asked growing impatient.

"It's not going to help me. Fuck it." He snatched the journal out of my hand and throws it across my room, which made me take a step back as the journal's paper nearly hit my face.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I exclaimed, glaring at him seriously. I was wearing my blue t shirt, and short checkered blue and white pajamas which I wore daily. I sat on my bed, not needing drama right now. It's like whenever me and him we're in the same room tension came, and now he was just confusing me.

He sat next to me, his eyes red and the fact that he wasn't blinking with them scared me. "Talk to me..." I decided to not yell even though I was frustrated.

He looked at me with his stare that was now set to look saddened. "He's..."

I tried to think of all the guys in Ross' life so I could come to an conclusion. But he told me after a brief pause and took my hand. "He's dead."

"Who's dead?" I asked, now my heart pumping as much as his might've been. And when he said his dad my mouth wanted to drop... and like my heart stopped as complete silence filled the room. I could see how numb Ross was feeling, because I was feeling it to.

It didn't take me but another second to wrap my arms around him, as his hands wrapped around my waist. The gut wrenching beat of tragic didn't leave my room, as I couldn't bare but think Ross was going to turn into me.

When my mom died I shut everyone out until I was ready to be back in. Irrelevant over everything, forgetting everything.

But I was still confused.

Ross' dad wasn't a good person, and as we broke the hug I was closer in front of him and he saw my sincere and worried expersion toward him.

"I know exactly what you're thinking," He nodded his head, his eye blinking for the first time. "He tried to kill me. Why am I sad, right."

"Yea, I mean..." I started but Ross cut me off gesturing the shrugs at his shoulder.
"Remember when we first met." He said. "And I read your journal... when I found out your mother died, something made me want to be in your life... but if anyone read that shit I have, they'd think my father was always a devil."

His mind was in the wrong place as he moved me aside and hit my wall. Loud thumps, which went over again, until I screamed for him to stop.


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