C40 - Better

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The annual sleepover was a bust. It was so freshman anyway, and Nina wasn't going to be one (a freshman) at Yale, all because of me "apparently."

Lying down on my now clean bed, without N, I just tried to process that she didn't get in to Yale, because she knew if she did I wouldn't. She saw my name on the hold list of course, at the college interviews. Now I know she was trying to be a good friend.

But now I'll never know if I got in, because I'm good enough. Of course, we could've got to the part where I hugged her, but instead I told her to get out...

She didn't take her time. My room is spotless, no feathers, no nothing. She stuffed everything in her bags, and I watched her leave in a taxi, hair still wet, and everything. People kept sacrificing everything for me. Yale was my dream, but Nina deserved to go... as much as she's starting to conceal it she is smart and an honors student.

I looked aside to see Ross' jacket that I almost blew to flames after prom, right in my closet, clutching my pillow.

Ross' POV -After Laura

"Wait!" I was chasing after Laura. She was pacing at the door, in those high heels of hers until I blocked her. "What's the problem?"

"You know the problem!" She pushed me aside, but I tugged on to her glossy green purse. She slapped my hand away, finally facing me. "I'm not here to fall in love, now you can go back to Maia to do all of that... this wasn't supposed to be like that!"

"I'm drunk," I said weary. "Drunk people say things."

She rolled her eyes, much like Maia would, but a surprisingly a twist, as she stomped on my foot with the stomp of her heel. "Fuck!" I yelled out.

We we're in the hallway, me just putting my clothes on, thinking I need to go after her ---- I don't know, I guess I was just tired of people walking away from me... like I did Maia. "They also do things to dicks like you." Laura sneered as she sassed to the nearest elevator, me hopping on the same elevator.

"I don't love Maia anymore..." I said, which was true. "I'm through with her. I like you --- and I had fun for the first time, I've had in a while. With Maia its all tense, but with you there's no hesitation. You don't hesitate to want me, so want me now..."

She looked over at me smiling, but only a small one. "But..."

"But nothing," I took her hands and held her to the elevator walls.

"UH HUH...You're just drunk." Laura patted my back, like I was a baby, while she was biting her lower lip.
"And I'll like you all the same tomorrow." I said leaning in, my eyes focused on her lips.

Walking With Ross' Jacket - Maia's POV

Sure, it was almost three in the morning, but clutching my pillow doesn't past the time and nobody was home. So I just decided to take a walk, and think about how life would've been if I never meet Ross and if my mom hadn't died, and I did meet Ross. Would things be easier? Would I just open my heart to him?

Flashback First Day Of School

What Would Have Happened.
The beautiful blonde and built guy, picked up my books and my journal for me, after we bumped heads. Ross Lynch! "Oh, I'm sorry! Just a mess, today." As I was reaching, we touched hands, and I instantly looked into his hazel brown eyes.

"You? A Mess?" I grabbed my books from him, and smiled finding myself blushing. "I'm Ross Lynch. You?"

"I know --- I mean... Maia... Mitchell." He reached out his hand, and I shook it. Did I just shake hands with him? No. I need more, fast.

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