C21 - Ross Gone MIA

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Previous and Previously On The Maia And Ross Diaries

Maia has her friends back, and with Ross skipping school, you could say her life was back to normal. What Maia was doing with out her dear old antagonist, Ross Lynch.

Running Out Of Henry's 

 Nina and Allie dragged me out of our old favorite hang out.  I couldn't believe I left Henry's for that stupid 1930's themed (and was fabricated to look like the friggin' "Crusty Crab") Diner! At this point I was willing to run back in there, for another drink but of course, Nina and Allie, didn't allow it, as they were tugging my outfit into wrinkles. "We promised your dad, we'd bring you back home by eleven!"

"But I wasss haviiing FUN, bitches!" I yelled so loudly, that people from across the street and near the club, started staring. "Who cares about daddy's rules! Lets break him's rules." 

I was never the best drunk speaker. Do ask how I can think so clearly when I'm high as a fire cracker.

Allie and Nina exchanged a look as they, through me in the back of Allie's car. "You're starting to sound like the old you again? The whole idea was to just celebrate before you move away. Looks like you were celebrating for more than one cause." Nina said flirty like. 

Did they really expect me not to get drunk? I swear I was seeing colors all around. All I could remember from being at that club was that I had been dirty dancing and I fell right into Allie's arms. Some older guy slipped me his number anyway and (THANK YOU UNIVERSE) I had a reason to stay longer.

But the fun was over! Time to be normal again.


Normal.... normal...hmm...how exactly do I do that again? "HELLO!" I shouted. I heard Allie say they better get me home fast, before I started making knock knock jokes. Why isn't my normal attitude button thingy working? THING! BOP! DECLINED! FIBBLE!!! So this is what a head ache feels like, again? Ahh... I brushed my hands along my head and started farting. I raised the window down but, all these words kept on, busting out of my mouth. "ALLIE, it tickles!" I shouted closing my eyes tightly and chuckling.

When Allie started driving, Nina started digging along in her purse. She brought out some water and throw it, into range we're I could catch it. But barely! I almost let the thing hit my face, for christ sakes! I always thought, when I could get drunk again it wouldn't be we're I'd be screaming out words at the top of my lungs, every minute.

"STOP WHISPERING ABOUT ME!" I opened the cap of the bottle, and poured the water outside into the streets. Sooner or later a car came by ours and the driver raised their window down. "BITCHES!"

I put my head out the window, "PROSTITUTES!" How could I say that! Espicially, when was feeling like a pro.

Sunday Morning

 Dear, Journal


I got a big slimy, frigginnn hangover! The only thing I had to be grateful for is that my dad was sleep when I got home. Boy, was I so happy! But my mood was awfully different from yesterday! I'm never getting drunk again!! Especially when that little rat Hailey, snitches to the bone. God knows, what she was doing when I got home. Probably dissecting a poor old frog, she found from god knows where, and... you get the point. 

This has been my first time writing with out my favorite pen, by the way. I'm too old for favorite pens, and all that crap, I'm going to be an adult this summer! Things were finally looking up. I'm gonna graduate with my two best friends! I can move back after four months, since I'll legally be an adult! Ross is probably very much over me now. I hope he takes care of himself. If I know Ross, he's capable of doing something... ahem... well, stupid.

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