I Fought

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"Maia Charlotte Mitchell," At first as we stopped on the beach, I thought Ross was trying to be extra, until I turned around. He pulled off his shirt. 

What the fuck was happening?

Now I was sure he was being extra. "Okay show off. I definitely know you have abs." I rolled my eyes. Another shirt appeared, as a red heart was on it, black letters in the middle that I nearly fainted to. ' The sound of the waves started to sink in as it ceased of me to remember this was going to happen sooner or later. We we're serious. So serious I couldn't keep it together. Tears flushed in.

'Will you marry me?' In the black and bold letters that we're surrounded by a white background. I probably didn't blink for a whole moment of me feeling like time froze.

Ross had knelled down.

The box coming out like magic as I felt a cold chill whip across my body. I held my hands over my mouth. My hair was in two braids, and I was in a white comfortable brass cart that was lengthy, but kept me warm after Ross had just tried to teach me how to surf.

"All I can say..." He started, "Is you bring out the best in me. I want you to bring out the best in me... forever. I love that smile," He said, as I was smiling with the tears in my eyes. "I love that eye brow kink, I love all the eye rolls, and most importantly I love... I love you."

My throat closed in, as I could feel my breaths getting harder and harder whereas my nose flinched and water was filling my eyes, when looking into his eyes.

His eyes focused on mine. His hazel brown eyes, being reflected by the sunset. I sunk my feet into the sand.


She said we had to improve, and improved we had. Cuddling on the couch was one of the many things that we did great together.

"So what's your future going to be Ross?" She asked suddenly looking up at me.

I shot her a serious look back, smiling at the end of my lips. Starring into her beautiful eyes that we're changing colors because of the glow in the TV, I simply said. "My future?... My future is going to be with you."


"I'm ready for more Audrey Hepburn, I'm ready to love you, I'm ready to change, because it's clear if it weren't for you," He popped open the box, a shining ring to come, "I'd be a drop out." "But no more games. I'm ready to be made fun of cause I can't spell as well as you; I'm ready for the steady sarcasm and witty banter. I'm ready to have a life with the beautiful girl that took me in. Who fought for me, even when I was a bastard," His pleading was cute, but it didn't take long for me to cry out. "Yes!"

A small tear ran down my face, my heart beating too loudly for me to say anything else but. "Yes."

"Yes, Ross. Of course I want to marry you" I nodded my head into a smile, even while crying, with the plain emotion in my voice, and my teeth clenched together, Ross' smile elevated as he slid the same beautiful ring onto my finger, that I saw at the airport. The day I said "no", when now, I was glad I did. Otherwise this wouldn't be happening. It was dreams coming true.

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