The Maia And Ross Diaries

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Dear, mom

Things don't get any better each day that passes I know you're not around. I want to scream, attack someone just standing around with no worries in life, an innocent bystander... but what good would that do? You're gone. I know somehow you're watching me and you want me to be strong. But everytime I think about you I cry or stare at my ceiling and I can't help but feel like my life is over.

Mom, I took you for granted. And I can't stop crying because of it. You never think the last time's going to be the last time - you think there will be more. You think you have forever, but you don't. All I had was the one second to be with you instead of not being with you. And if I say sorry, I'm so sorry mom, it just wouldn't help. It wouldn't seem right.


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