C5 - Dramatic high

959 42 23
  • Dedicated to Janine Do

Before Second Period

"Hey, Maia," Ross called from the other end of the hall. I took a long breath before I closed my locker. Ross had been wondering why Maia had hated him so much -- even if her goal was trying to avoid him. "Maia!"

"Are you deth? Don't you hear the boy calling you?" Allie came up to me hands on her hips, and lips perched. Behind her was bitchy D and her wanna bee minions. "Allie? What are you doing?" I said surprised. Nina, I, and Allie, including Austin have hated Dana since first grade when she stole my show n tell toy for herself. "Oh just hanging with my BFF's, that actually have time for me." She smiled away, pushing me out the path.

Dana La' Donna had abducted Allie. And it's all HER fault. I mean why should I feel bad? I told her the deal, and every time she set me up with Ross, was a better chance of us splitting apart anyway. Nina had walked up. "What was that about? Why is Allie switching her hips with Bitchy D?"

After Telling Nina Everything

"O.m.g! Ross asked you, for sex? You're like a twig!" Nina said surprised.

"Not our biggest problem." I told her. The bell rung for second period and Nina said she'd be over my house tonight. I went to my class, and turned around face first with Ross. "Ughh." I made a face. Suddenly Ross just started giggling. "Stop that thing..." I muttered.

"What thing, Mitchell?" He said showing that his brown eyes could sparkle. "The thing your doing with your eyes...Um.. I gotta go.." Ugh, the one thing I had to remember about labels. They only stick if you let them stick. Was I letting Ross stick? Apparently.

I had been late for my classes lately and it was because of, you know who. "We're in the same period, remember?" He caught up to me. Ughh. Stick away, Ross lynch.

Second Period

At that moment two people sprouted in at once. They we're adults. One man, and a woman, invading our classroom. This is new, I thought. The women was blonde and tall. She wasn't too bloated, but she was a perfect size, to fit into a small closet. The man, had brown hair, and it took me a while to notice these people we're Ross' flesh and blood.

"Who are you people?" Ms. Bradshaw said frightened at the sound of the people bursting in. "Ross! Come home! Now!" I looked at Ross for the first time, in class and I wasn't trying to avoid him. The last time my parents said that to me was when mom died.

"I got school!" He shouted. Ms. Bradshaw turned to Ross. "Your excused Mr. Lynch." Everyone was staring at Ross as he stood up slowly. "You dam right he's excused!" His dad said grabbing him by the head. As soon as the family walked out, Ms. Bradshaw closed the door, but I could hear the yelling from outside the class. And only I listened.

Chit Chatting On my Bed With Nina After School

"He pulled that gorgeous--" I stopped myself from talking. I just called Ross gorgeous from impulse. "What was that?" Nina laughed. "You like Ross?"

"No...His hair is just cool...No biggy. Gorgeous hair. Big deal." I said. One half of me did like Ross Lynch, but the other half didn't. I had started wondering what it would feel like to kiss Ross. Then I hit myself. "Do you think Allie could forgive me?"

"We've been friends for a long time, Maia." Nina had a point. "We always forgive each other."

Gym On The Bleachers Ross's POV

Dear Journal

That day when my parents pulled me out of class was a nightmare. It even had Maia staring at me, and I thought this school would be good for me. It is... but I can never get away from my parents. On so many levels I was not me anymore. I never tell anyone why I got kicked out my old school, and I don't want Maia finding out either. That night with her was so awesome, but when she walked away it gave me a clue. That Maia was too smart for having sex every day. And maybe... just maybe, I should be to.


"Hey," Maia set next to me on the bleachers. And she was smiling.

"Um...Hi?" I started to smile. Maia asked me what was bothering me so much and I told her. It was the least of what I could do, when I haven't told her so much about my past. "My dad figured me out. I stole some of his drugs without him knowing..."

"Why?" she asked surprised. "Your dad uses drugs?" Maia had asked a lot of questions, but that was the first time a girl actually cared about me, for a change. "I needed them...I'm not sure I want to talk about why."

I and Maia talked almost about half the Gym period before the bell started ringing. Our smiles started showing, when I leaned in to kiss her. She was leaning in to, but her eyebrows shot up, and she moved back. "I...I can't kiss you... I don't want to be your label." She said and ran out the gym with everyone else.

Lunch Maia's POV

"When did Allie start acting like a bitch?" Austin asked as Nina, and I grabbed our cafeteria plates. "Since Maia made her," Nina sniffed.

I looked at Nina like she was crazy. "I did not. do. anything," We stared at Bitchy D and the now three wanna bee's, unless I and Allie could make up... which was going to take a lot more than I'm sorry. We sat at our usual table without Allie, but Ross sure took care of that problem.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* . *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

On my bed writing

Dear, Journal

It's our choices that make us who we are, and my choice was to not kiss Ross. I really wanted to. But I made a commitment and I had to stick to it. I yelled at Allie, and that's what made her a wanna be with Bitchy D, the girl she hated more than me. Those were my choices and I made them. It was Allie's choice to lose her virginity because Nina did. It was Ross's choice to steal his dad's drugs, and that's what got him in doo-doo. But this year my choice is to not get involved.

If anything, I'm not that doo-doo.

Whoever we are... Whoever we want to be; or decide to be. The choice matters a long with these things we aspire to become. I guess we could be whoever the hell or do whatever the hell we wanted to be or do. But I wanted to be practical. I've made plenty mistakes in my past. There's no room for anymore.

Being dramatic isn't the worst quality, we all have our moments. But creating drama is probably the worst thing you could do for someone who just wants to fit in.

Love, Maia

Love, Maia

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