Y/N - Need to be little

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Stuffing your things in your bag, you made your way to the front door, going to the studio.

Your best friends, BTS, had asked you to help them make their new album, which you gladly accepted.

As a result you had been super stressed lately, and you really should've regressed into your little space, which was actually babyspace.

But for some reason you hadn't wanted to slip, and refused to, even though you needed it.

The members were really worried about you and decided to force you to regress, as they knew it was better for you in the long run.

As you made your way to the front door, you were met with all 7 members standing there with their arms crossed.

"Y/N" Hoseok said sternly, "we didn't wanna have to do this, but it's for your own good" you realised what they meant and dropped your bag, running back to your room.

You tried to lock the door but Hoseok and Jimin managed to get in, the other members decided it would be best if they didn't all go in and just lingered in case the other two needed help.

You started crying and fighting as Hoseok gently lifted you onto the bed, starting to take your clothes of as Jimin brought all of your stuff for babyspace.

"Oh sweetheart, we're sorry but this really is for your own good"

Jimin tried slipping a pacifier into your mouth to calm you down and you sucked on it for a couple of seconds before spitting it out.

Hoseok and Jimin looked at eachother, before Hoseok nodded as they decided to bring out the pacifier gag.

Your eyes widened seeing it and you cried louder, shaking your head as they put the pacifier in your mouth and put the strap around your head, making sure it wasn't too tight.

"There now, shhhh..." Jimin soothed as you continued crying behind your paci, you kicked and tried to struggle as Hoseok took your clothes off you, putting a diaper on you and slipping your pink onesie on.

You kept crying even after they took the pacifier gag out, swapping it for a normal one on a clip, which you spat out again.

Hoseok picked you up as you cried, carrying you to the highchair in the kitchen, which you had never seen before.

You struggled upon seeing it and Hoseok and Jimin both struggled to strap you in, their hearts breaking at seeing you crying so much.

Namjoon came over, stroking your cheek "someones very unhappy today" he slipped your paci in your mouth as that's what normally soothes you but you just spat it out, crying harder and trying to free yourself.

Your glossy eyes finally met Hoseoks as you mumbled something which he couldn't hear.

"What was that baby?" He came closer to you, "dada out, please?" Hoseok nodded at Yoongi who freed you and Hoseok lifted you onto his lap, hugging you tight.

"Open" he slipped your yellow bedtime paci that Namjoon had retrieved into your mouth and you sucked on it, sniffling.

Hoseok rubbed your back as you fell asleep on his shoulder, tired from crying so much.

He looked at the other members and they sighed.

They all made their way to the lounge, ready to discuss what had happened as Hoseok sat down in the rocking chair they had moved, keeping you on his lap, patting your diaper so you felt safe.

"Why do you think she was fighting it so much?" Jimin asked.

The others shrugged, "who knows, but we'll need to have a talk with her when she wakes up, she won't be able to regress properly otherwise" Yoongi said as they saw you stirring.

You were happily sucking on your paci, but you spat it out when you saw the members looking at you, your face falling again.

"What's wrong sweetheart? You were so stressed we thought you needed to regress so why are you so reluctant to hmm?" Hoseok asked as he stroked your hair.

His heart broke when you looked up at him with tears in your eyes, hugging him tight.

"No baby..." you mumbled, Hoseok smiled a bit "you are a baby, you're OUR baby, and you need to be this small honey" you pouted, making them all coo.

"But, baby always need something, n'd can't do anything..." you said, sniffling at the end of your sentence.

It was clear to all the members that you were fighting with your headspace, not being able to slip fully because of this.

"Babygirl, we love looking after you, we wouldn't do if we didn't want to" Namjoon stated, all the others nodding in agreement.

You looked at them wide-eyed, "w-want to look after Y/N-ie?" They smiled, seeing you slipping, "yes, we love our baby so much and we really want to see her"

You giggled, snuggling into Hoseok as he slipped your paci into your mouth, "hey there baby" he said, kissing your head.

A little while later you were back in your highchair after having just eaten, swinging your legs while sucking on your paci.

Yoongi was stood next to you, letting you play with his fingers which you liked for some reason.

"She's smaller isn't she?" He remarked as Namjoon ticked your leg, making you giggle, "Yeah, guess we needed to have that talk" Jin came in and said they can take you out of the highchair now so Namjoon undid the straps and Yoongi lifted you into his arms.

He cooed as you snuggled into his neck, before laughing at how excited you looked seeing Taehyung holding a pink tutu that you could wear over your onesie, along with some cat ears.

You started struggling as Yoongi put you down and you crawled over, getting picked up by Jungkook.

"There's our princess~~" they both kissed your cheeks, eliciting a squeal from you as your paci dropped from your mouth.

They helped you put the tutu and cat ears on, taking a picture of you and making all the other members come and see how cute you looked.

Hoseok was absolutely beside himself and they couldn't wipe the smile off his face even as they got you ready for bed.

He put your nighttime onesie on after putting you in a fresh diaper, laying you down in your crib and kissing your paci, "Night babygirl.."

"ni ni seokie..."


A/N: This is where I will be putting all my littlespace imagines ^^ IT WILL NOT BE VERY REGULAR

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