Jiminie - Baby boy

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"Baby boy? Its time to wake up prince..." you mumbled, unlatching the side of the large crib, revealing Jimin sprawled out, his paci laying next to his face.

You rubbed his tummy gently as he stirred, his diaper had obviously been used, as it was bulging and pushing his legs apart.

"Eomma?" He mumbled, bringing a pudgy fist up to rub his eyes as you smiled, "hey sweetheart, looks like that diaper needs changing hmm?"

He blushed as you picked him up, taking him over to the change table laying him down and taking his onesie off.

You gave him a toy to distract him as you took off his dirty diaper, cleaning him up and taping a fresh one around his waist.

You cooed at him as he ran his fingers along the edge of the diaper, giggling as it crinkled.

You put him in a warm fuzzy onesie, putting his paci on a clip before taking him downstairs.

"Eomma is going to get you some food, can you be a good boy and play in your playpen for a while?" You asked, placing him into his playpen, which had foam blocks, a small ballpit, plenty of toys for him to play with.

He nodded, squealing as you booped his nose before leaving him to play.

Jimin took himself to his inflatable ballpit, squealing as he played with a couple of foam blocks.

He looked down at his paci, pouting before he pushed it into his mouth, smiling again and suckling on his paci happily.

He looked up at you with a beaming smile when you came back in, lifting him out of his ballpit and taking him to the kitchen, strapping him into his highchair.

You placed a bowl of cut up banana in front of him, watching him stuff it into his mouth clumsily as you made his juice.

"Such a messy boy!" You cooed, wiping his face with a towel and helping him finish his banana, handing him his juice as you got him some grilled cheese, cut up into small squares for him.

He stuffed them into his face, making you chuckle as you ate your own meal.

After you had both eaten he was placed back into his playpen, squealing when he handed him his favourite colouring book with his crayons, allowing him to colour happily by himself.

Jimin was very good at playing alone when little, when he regressed he just wanted to relax, and he was quite happy colouring with his favourite stuff, mumbling to himself as a cartoon played in the background.

You used this time to work on your Assignments for University, it was a good balance, you got a rest from your work when he got bored, playing with him or watching a movie with him.

He had 3 diaper changes that day, it was still a new thing for him in littlespace, so even though he loved wearing them he was embarrassed when you changed him.

Jimins littlest day ended with him snuggled with him Eomma, a warm bottle of milk in his tummy and his paci between his lips.

You listened to the soft sound of him suckling on his paci as he fell asleep.

You placed him into his crib, placing a blanket over him and turning on the nightlight.

"Night Night my baby Jiminie..."

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