Joonie - Big boy stress

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Namjoon sighed, burying his face in his hands.

He had been at this for days, and so far he couldn't come up with a single good lyric.

He can't remember the last time he ate or showered and he hadn't been little in a while, it was making him stressed.

He didn't even notice when Hoseok let himself into the studio, coming up to Namjoon and placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Namjoonie, you've been here for days, when was the last time you were little hmm?" Namjoon didn't look at Hoseok as he knelt down in front of him, wiping a stray tear that fell down Namjoons face.

"Joonie doesn't know..." he mumbled. Hoseok knew little Joonie wasn't too far away, his voice already starting to slur.

"Lets go home hmm? Have a nice warm bath and eat yeah?"
Namjoon went with Hoseok back to the dorm, letting himself be bathed and fed, he was so tired physically and mentally that he just wanted to cuddle up to his daddy.

Later he was curled up at Hoseoks side in bed, back into a diaper and his softest onesie, his paci bobbing up and down in his mouth as Hoseok rubbed his back gently to soothe him.

"Such a good boy Joonie..." Hoseok mumbled as he kissed the top of Namjoons head.

And Namjoon had been a good boy, letting his hyungies give him a bath, washing his hair and getting him all nice and clean.

He was a good boy when they dressed him, not shying away from the diaper being put on him.

And he was the bestest boy when he was given his bottle, suckling on the warm milk as his droopy eyes gazed into his daddys, trusting him completely.

He was the bestest boy as he fell asleep in his daddys arms...

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