Jiminie - Sick and Sad (Requested)

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Jimin sneezed, not even paying attention to the TV anymore because he felt so sick.

He had been showing signs of slipping all day, and you figured it wasn't long before little Jiminie appeared.

When you sat down next to him, he crawled into your lap with a sniffle, nuzzling his face into your neck and wrapping his legs around you like a koala.

"Oh Minnie, you feel so rough don't you baby?" You mumbled, feeling his head nod in agreement from its place in your neck.

You rubbed his back for a while as you turned on a different TV show that was more calming, feeling him get smaller and smaller as time went on.

He was almost in baby space when he finally looked up at you, big eyes full of tears and a pout on his face.

"Let's go put your small things on Minnie, mommy thinks it's time for a nap..." you said, picking him up in your arms and carrying him upstairs to the nursery.

Jimin was a bit restless, and he was probably not going to be happy about being stripped and made to feel cold to put his baby things on, but it had to happen so he was safe and cosy for his nap.

You laid him down on his mat, popping a paci in his mouth before he started fussing, taking his clothes off and grabbing a thick diaper.

His stomach hasn't been good, and he had barely eaten, so you wanted to make sure he wouldn't have any accidents as he slept.

You taped the diaper on him, patting it softly which made him smile shyly, before getting a onesie to put on him.

You made sure he was warm, putting some socks on him and putting him in bed under a thick blanket, seeing as he was cold.

"There we go baby, mommy's just gonna go make some tea hmm? I'll be back soon..." you kissed his cheek, going to leave the room.

Suddenly you heard a cry, and you turned to see him sniffling, eyes watering as he began to sob.

He made grabby hands at you, and you understood that he didn't want to be on his own.

"Ok sweetheart, mommy will stay with you, lay down here my love..." you patted your chest for him to lay on once you got in bed with him.

He snuggled up to you, sucking on his paci and holding your fingers tightly as he drifted off to sleep.

You hated seeing your baby so sick, but he was so cute, and you loved him.

A/N: A story, from ME!? yes it is, this was requested and I really needed the inspiration for this book so this was perfect! I'm focusing on finishing my series before I start my next soft Oneshots book, but I already have drafts going so stay tuned, maybe I should debut it while BTS are in the military to keep us all sane.

Anyway, don't forget to FOLLOW ME and check out my other books!! Backup account: hoseokkphile

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