Hobi - Hoseok hyung?

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"Can't... be little... Tae not here..." Hoseok kept hitting himself on the head, trying to stay big.

Taehyung was on a personal schedule shoot in Mexico, so he wasn't with Hoseok in Korea.

He had been gone for a few days now, and was due back at the end of the week.

But Hoseok was finding it increasingly hard to stay in his big headspace, he was stressed and he just wanted his daddy.

He felt tears spring into his eyes, and he knew he wouldn't be able to hold on to his big headspace much longer.

He pulled out his phone, fumbling with the buttons and managing to FaceTime Taehyung.

He picked up after a couple seconds with a big smile, but it fell when he saw the state Hobi was on.

"Baby? Are you ok sweetheart?" Tae already had a hunch on what was happening.

Hobi shook his head, tears spilling from his eyes now as he whimpered, "w-want Daddy" he almost whispered, and his voice sounded so sad and scared that Tae almost jumped on a plane right then and there.

"Hobi sweetheart I need you to listen to Daddy ok?" Hobi nodded, trusting his daddy to make things better.

"I need you to bring the phone with you and go find Joonie ok? He's gonna help you while daddy's not here" he instructed.

Hobi pouted, standing up and waddling through the house with the phone clutched to his chest as he looked for Joonie.

Tae knew this wasn't ideal, but he knew Namjoon had a cousin who was a little, so he knew he was the best person there who could help Hobi right now.

Hobi found Namjoon in his room, and before Namjoon could even speak Hobi handed him the phone, looking down at his feet.

"Tae? What's wrong with Hoseok?" He looked at Hobi who was sniffling to himself, before looking back at Tae.

"He's little Namjoon, and I'm not there and I know you know what littlespace is so I need you to take care of my baby ok?"

Tae rambled a bit, but Namjoon understood and assured him he would take care of their baby.

"Hobi sweetheart?" Namjoon turned to Hobi now, making him look up, eyes full of fear and sadness.

Namjoon smiled softly, "can you show me how old you are prince? With your fingers?" He asked gently, all while Tae listened on the phone.

Hobi held up 4 fingers, but after a moment he put one down.

"3 baby?" Hobi nodded, putting his hand back down, "that's super small huh, don't worry, Joonies gonna take care of you until your Daddy gets back ok?" Namjoon showed him the phone, Tae still on the screen which made the little smile.

"I have to go now baby, you're gonna be a good boy for Joonie, and Daddy will be home in a couple of days ok?" Hobi nodded, his lip wobbling again as Namjoon said bye to Tae.

"Ok baby let's go cuddle hmm? Nice quiet day today prince..." he mumbled, picking the boy up and letting him bury his face in his neck.

Namjoon took him back to his room, laying down in bed with him and cuddling him close.

He found a pacifier in the drawer of the bedside table and presented it to the little, who gladly accepted it, suckling quietly as he fell asleep.

Namjoon snapped a quick pic and sent it to Tae, hoping to ease some of his anxiety, before he texted the members about the situation.

They were all gushing with excitement about how cute they think he is.

Namjoon is pretty sure Yoongi had a heart attack because he didn't reply until Namjoon saw him later that day with an armful of presents for the little.

Tae was so happy that the other members accepted Hobi for who he was, and little Hobi was even happier!

A/N: Just a cute little request! Don't forget to FOLLOW ME and check out my other books! Backup acc: hoseokkphile

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