Y/N - Fussy baby

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"Wakeup sweetheart, I need to change your pullup..." Namjoon mumbled softly as he stroked your hair, seeing you stir from your sleep.

Your paci had fallen out of your mouth at some point during the night, it was handing off the paci clip next to you.

Your snapcrotch onesie was straining slightly over your pullup, Namjoon patted it fondly, loving how cute you looked.

"Daddy?" You mumbled, rubbing your eyes cutely.

"Morning princess, I have a surprise for you!" Namjoon said eagerly, making you sit bolt upright with your eyes wide, a squeal coming from your mouth.

Namjoon chuckled, picking up your fallen Paci and placing it back into your mouth, letting you suck on it excitedly while he told you what your exciting surprise was.

"Yoonie is little today, and I know he hasn't been little in a while, so you can have a playdate with him all day" he explained as he picked you up, taking you to your adult-sized changing table to change your pullup.

"Remember that Yoonie is shy, so make sure you're gentle with him" Namjoon patted up your fresh pullup, booping your nose and grinning when you giggled.

"Yoonie is adorable though..." he mumbled to himself, picking you up and taking you downstairs to the kitchen for some breakfast.

He held you tighter when you saw baby Yoonie, your eyes shining at his adorable self.

Yoonie was in an adult-sized high chair (which wasn't used often but was totally worth it).

You could see his pudgy diaper under his onesie, and his paci was bobbing in his mouth, his cheeks were red and he was clearly very shy, not meeting anyones eyes as he played with Jimins fingers.

"Oonie!" You babbled behind your paci, Yoonie looking up at the voice as you toddled over to him, looking up at him and offering him your hand.

The members watched curiously as he let out a quiet giggle behind his paci, grabbing your fingers and beginning to play with them, a grin on his little face.

The members cooed, melting at the cuteness of their babies.

It made little Yoonie shy, his face turning even more red, and his other chubby hand come to his face to attempt to cover his shyness.

The members allowed their babies to entertain themselves, Jimins watchful eye on them as the other members prepared breakfast.

"Here we go our sweet babies, breakie!" Jin announced as they all sat down for breakfast.

The babies obviously made a huge mess, their bibs practically useless as they had to be thoroughly cleaned up after.

They were then led them into the living room to play together for a while.

All their toys were out, and Yoonie didn't know what to play with first as you collected some toys you thought he would like, bringing them and showing them to him.

Yoonie giggled behind his paci, squishing a foam block and wiggling in his pudgy diaper.

The other members watched fondly as their babies played, and they played all day, even after their naps they never tired of eachother.

When it came to go to bed they knew Yoonie wouldn't be little tomorrow, so they dressed him in his normal clothes, just leaving him his paci.

"Daddy? Can Yoonie play tomorrow?" You asked tiredly, nuzzling into your daddy's hand as he was laying with you.

Namjoon chuckled, stroking your cheek and pressing a kiss to your forehead, "soon baby, you can play with Yoonie again soon..."

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