Jinnie - Nap time (Noona loves you)

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"Is that fun babyboy?" You cooed, watching as your little Jinnie played with his favourite toys on the floor, he had some foam blocks and some dolls and was making a house for them.

He was so concentrated he almost didn't hear you call out to him.

He turned to you with a big smile, "yes noona! Jinnie like!" He waved his dolls at you, to which you did a thumbs up at him.

"Five more minutes then baby, then it's nap time" you announced as you made your way into the kitchen to make his bottle.

Jinnie pouted, his eyes moving to look at his nap corner.

It was a soft padded mat with a fluffy blanket, plenty of soft toys surrounding the nest, with a pen around it so he didn't wander off and hurt himself if he got bored.

There was a fluffy mobile hanging above as well.

Jinnie loved the mobile, although it embarrassed him.

He wanted to see his soft toy friends, but he also was having fun with his toys now, and he didn't want to leave them.

He toddled up to you when you came back in with his bottle, and you smiled fondly at him.

"But- but Jinnie wants to play with dollies..." he made puppy eyes at you, his pout bigger.

You faked sadness, "but Jinnies fluffy toys miss him so much, they told me they really want to have a nap with you" you said to him.

Jinnies eyes widened, "really noona?" He looked positively stricken that he said he didn't want to have nap time with his fluffy toys.

Jinnie climbed up onto your lap, and you cooed as you held him like a baby, letting him suckle on his bottle.

His eyes were already drooping, you knew he would be tired from playing all day, and you were right as his suckling slowed down.

"Oh come on then my sweet baby boy, its naptime now..." you mumbled, lifting him up and reaching over the edge of the pen to lay him on his soft mat.

You covered him with the fluffy blanket, tucking a stuffie into his arms and his paci into his mouth.

You rubbed his tummy gently as you watched his eyes close, his paci gently going in and out.

"What a good boy, have a good sleep baby noona will be right here..." you mumbled as he drifted off to sleep.

"Noona loves you..."

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