Y/N - Are you little?

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"Hey cutie, Are you feeling little today?" Jungkook teased, sliding onto your bed and rubbing your back.

You raised an eyebrow at him, gently lifting his hand and removing it, making him pout.

"No? I was little for like a whole week, I'm good" you said, pretty nonchalant about the whole affair.

Being little didn't happen super often for you, it was quite a rare occurrence, you didn't feel like being little a lot of the time anyway, just every now and again.

The members had grown to ADORE the little you, and they were rather upset that they wouldn't be seeing little Y/N for a while.

You got ready for the day, and left the bathroom to see Jimin had laid out your clothes for the day.

"Jimin? What are you doing?" You asked, confused as Jimin smiled, coming up to you and hugging you.

"I laid your clothes out for you baby, let's get dressed now hmm?" He said, taking your hand and leading you to the bed.

"Jimin, I'm not little, I can dress myself..." you mumbled, embarrassed as his face fell and he scratched the back of his neck sheepishly, deciding to just leave the room.

You felt bad, but you didn't feel little right now, though you now felt kind of guilty because they obviously wanted you to be little, but you just weren't.

Still, you decided to just get on with your day, you had plans and once they all knew you weren't little surely it would all be fine?

You got dressed, trying to ignore the cloud hanging over you now, feeling like you had disappointed them or something.

But you figured they would get over it soon, it was just going to be a normal day.

You made your way downstairs, and as you walked into the kitchen you saw Jin laying out your bowl and spoon you used when you were little, a sippy cup of juice sitting there.

You stopped dead as Jin smiled at you, clearly expecting you to be little.

Just looking at your little stuff was making you angry, and you shook away tears in your eyes as you stormed back upstairs, locking your bedroom door and deciding you were no longer hungry.

Why were they all trying to force you to be little?? You didn't understand, it was frustrating, and it was making you not ever want to be little again.

You just stayed in your room while the others talked downstairs about what had happened.

Namjoon came upstairs an hour or so later, deciding to talk to you.

He scolded the others for practically trying to force you to be little when you didn't want to, the others had all sloped off to sulk, but they'll be fine, Namjoons concern was how you were feeling.

"Y/N? Can you let me in?" He knocked on the door and called out for you.

You didn't move, you didn't want to deal with another person trying to make you be little, "go away..." you mumbled, turning over to face the wall.

Namjoon sighed, "I know you're not little, and I don't want to try and make you be little, it was wrong of the others to do that to you and I scolded them for it, I just want to make sure you're ok..." he said gently, and he listened as there was some shuffling, and the door unlocked.

He waited a moment before opening the door and going inside, closing it behind him for privacy.

He saw you lying on the bed, facing away from him. "Y/N..." he sighed, seeing how upset and hurt you were by the actions of the other members.

Namjoon was furious that they had made you feel like that, but they would learn, and they wouldn't do it again.

Because you were little so rarely, they apparently yearned for it even more than you did, but that's not how this works.

Namjoon sat down next to you on the bed, not really sure how to comfort you, poor Namjoon was a bit awkward but he was trying his best to be supportive.

He lay down next to you, his hand gently rubbing your back and waiting for you to say or do something, just content with comforting you for the moment.

You turned around, crawling up onto his lap and hugging him tightly.

He patted your back as he held you close, "I know, I won't let them do that again ok? When you want space then you just let us know and you'll get space, I don't ever want you to feel forced into anything ok?"

Namjoon was such a gentleman, you smiled up at him, and he kissed your forehead before pulling you back in for another hug.

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